Headphone Survey | Take Part and Win

It’s cuz option C is the best :blush:

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c is too similar to soo many out there, especially Sony headphones.

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Option C for me - really liking the metallic finish on the endcaps.

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I had to go with option B

i say C give them the more premium look!

I like A a lot! The black and silver just look very premium.

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they are cool

Lol that’s true :+1:

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Yeah. That makes sense. I still like the way it looks :wink:

I voted for B, but really don’t dislike the look of any of them… Still can’t wait on Journey! Any updates on pricing and/or availability, @AnkerOfficial, @AnkerSupport, @AnkerTechnical?

These new headphones (whichever chosen) should have option for USB - C as well as Lightening, with BT. May be use the 3-in-1 Anker Powerline concept for cable connection

I was torn between A and C, but ultimately went with A.

I really enjoy the radial effect on C’s ear pieces. If A had that black radial effect, but kept the gray. These would look amazing.

So… I made an E… and I think it’s better. It has more contrast in color than both A and C.


Normally I’m a black on black guy. But this time, D really struck me.

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Yes, D look professional and old school. I guess the contrast of colors its good for me.

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Voted for B. Like the black shiny vintage look. personally I dont like a mix of silver and black.

Thanks @Shivam_Shah for the information, and you’re right it’s definitely the same (or look really similar)!
Still voting for this design now that I’ve seen more of these headphones :sweat_smile:

Maybe they should consider the same design but improve the touch sensors on a newer version.
I’ve been using Sony’s headphones for a bit and I’m not going back to buttons for commands as easy as play/pause/next/volume…

Yea if they release a new one with option D’s design and bigger sensors, it would be a great deal for $99. But they NEED bigger sensors

its B for me they appear lighter more stream line so on sight alone I would believ these to be the more comfortable set.

C all the way love that metallic finish

D looks the best :+1: