Headphone Survey | Take Part and Win

Hey Anker Fans,

We’re currently designing a new pair of active noise cancellation headphones that will cost $99, and we need your help! We want to know which of the following designs is your favorite and why.

All you have to do is take the poll and tell us why in comments below.

But that’s not all! Once over 100 people have taken part in the poll, we’ll choose 5 people who left a comment to win a pair of Soundcore Spirit X wireless earphones. Please note, we can only ship to the following countries, US, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain.

Power On!

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D

0 voters

Winner Announcement

Thank you all for participating in this survey and we appreciate a lot every comment and suggestion you made for us.

The 5 lucky winners are:

Congratulations! The prize shipping delivery email will be sent within 2 weeks. Stay tuned for the next round of the survey!


It’s A for me guys! I love the silver with the black. They are an incredibly good looking set of headphones. :heart_eyes:


I kinda like shiny black

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Had to go with D, It looks more comfortable. The color pattern also more attractive.


It’s A for me, prefer the matt one-tone colour look compared to the two tone or metallic variations…all four look like they will be comfy due to the memory foam pads :grin:


A for me too, not too ‘loud’, pardon the pun!


I like option C. The shinning black looks cool!

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I like D
Just due to more silver it looks bigger.

C makes it look like it isnt flat, has a bit of texture


I like “A” because of the matte finish (so it hopefully does not show fingerprints!).


Option C for me, like the metal shiny look on the end caps.

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C - New and fresh Design :sunglasses:


Spare a thought for poor old B that hasn’t got any votes at the time of writing this. :wink:

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I choose C because they look like the headphones look like they have small vinyl records stuck to the sides and I like the old school cool look.


these are great. I have been looking for a pair like these and these will replace my in ear buds. I love the design but tend to swing for A which I voted for. The Black Matte finish is cleaner. Great job @AnkerOfficial

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I like option b :heart_eyes:

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Love the silver and black look !

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Personally, I like option C the best. I think the matte black finish of the headphone with the optical lighting effect on each side looks sharp, high-end, and very techie. My second pick would be A. It’s a classic and subtle look. I’m not a fan of the shiny black, gets dirty and scratches too easily. I do think D looks nice, but not my favorite combo.


I like option C the best… the finish on it looks great and has a simple design to it. :wink:

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