I got 1 out of 3 notifications so far. Excited and waiting for other items to ship. Thank you @AnkerOfficial
Happy 2nd Birthday, Community | Surprises Inside!
Check your Anker messages…
I had one advising I was over n to change it.
Lucky you, I haven’t even gotten any shipment notification
Oh I got the dispatch email yesterday. It actually came really early.
First one dropped today, second is going in circles with Hermes, just awaiting dispatch of the third and final
I chose the PowerCore + and 2 desktop chargers with type c, you can’t go wrong with Anker’s chargers. Would of got the SoundCore noise cancelling headphones but I needed to prioritise charging my gadgets😲. Ashame $150 converts to about £115
Yeah times like this you wish the exchange rate was “bad” lol
No dispatch notice for me, although Anker PMd me and said my new list was gonna be sent … So I spose that counts?
Woo hoo! Congrats on your prizes! My scale is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Can’t wait to do the before and after Thanksgiving weight check! hahahaha! Haven’t received any notification of the headphones being shipped yet. Super excited for those!
Just got my dispatch notice yesterday for delivery tomorrow for the 1st of my 3 items. Time to work from home and wait for the post office to drop it off.
Looks like after taking kids to MMA training tonight I will be busy setting up this …
(Pic was sent by gf to tell me it arrived)
I’m jealous of y’all getting your stuff so soon.i still haven’t gotten any shipping info, if I even am I dunno.
Join the club, still no email here either.
I got my Soundcore Space NC and Motion Q yesterday. Still waiting on my Powerline Micro USB cable. Gonna save them to put under the tree…if hubby can wait that long
And yes, he knew I got him the headphones.
Turns out Hermes left it laying against back door.
Good thing:
- it wasn’t raining today, and
- that nobody looked over gate and decided to steal it
Probably the same wanker, that left my 20100 powerbank on.my doorstep, and then some fucker stole it.
I only knew of its presence due to neighbour asking if I got it ok. So.i never got my super powerbank.