( revised Jan 18th, not available )
FYI, The link doesn’t work for Canada
Give it time.
Wait your turn like UK, Germany, etc.
USA had to wait as China got it 1st for like 2-3 months.
Amazon link
Is the micro USB input used for charging the fusion when you don’t have A/C power access???. The sales page on Amazon doesn’t say and I can’t access the info on the Anker site?
Pretty sure that just moved to the top of my “To Buy ASAP” list.
Can’t you just click on the U.S.of.A icon and then look? I can become Canadian with a click, look here I’m “in Canada”
now I’m “in USA”
I think you can look and ask questions but your issue is you can’t buy in-country (yet).
hmm…look very interesting but I bet within few months they will come out with one that have quick charge. For portable charger quick charge now day is a must or else it take forever to charge. Either way it’s very nice start from wall to portable.
Hmm, so its being bought, moved from in stock to
Quick charge has issues if you owned QC. QC produces a very hot product, people feel they have a dud unit and complain and have to accept its a fact of life with QC.
The smaller the product, the less QC is viable due to thermal.
Yes, I expect over time the Fusion idea will improve.
The hint is the name. “Powercore Fusion 5000” then you could see “Powercore Fusion Speed 5000” (with QC) then “Powercore Fusion 10000”
Please can you expand on how this product works in English. It is explained in Chinese and hard to understand from the translation.
So my question is how does the internal battery get priority, or not, relative to servicing the USB output ports. If the 5000mah is recharging, is the USB output lower? Or does only if the USB devices not able to use all the available power, then the 5000mah has opportunity to recharge? So, is it the 5000mah priority, or USB output priority?
This has been on Chinese sites since late October. You say little on the English sites.
The info I was requesting about the micro USB input is not on the US of A Anker site either. I have sent an email to support with my question.
I believe I know what is the Micro-USB for. It is quite well explained already. That is a 2A 5V input so you can charge it the Fusion from something other than its own charger, such as off a Powerport5.
Is that your question, and does that answer it?
As a sanity check, 5Ah/2A=2.5h = what they wrote. I’d expect though it to take a little more than 2.5h due to trickle charge for last 10% til 100%, so possibly they got a bit more electronic magic than usual in this one.
I swear that preference of output to recharge itself wasn’t written up first, I asked that question now I see the answer. Well that’s logically the most efficient.
Are you “clayton” on Amazon? Odd this was asked before the product was listed on Amazon, Nov 22nd.
Interesting puzzle with the lights. I mean with say a Powerport2 you have lights to indicate if device charged, with Powercore you have lights to indicate battery level. Here the lights seem only like a Powercore so you just have to look at your device to know if its charged and the Fusion to see if its charged?
Haha, No I am not Clayton, and yes that answers my question, thanks. Sanity check for me as well as I don’t think the micro USB input info was there yesterday either.
I don’t know if it was written before and we didnt notice or it was added in response to the questions.
Looking forward to more products in the Fusion range.
Interesting conflicts in the design. Feel the heat off a busy Powerport2 and feel the heat off a recharging Powercore, and imagine them in one small form factor. So I’m expecting more slab products, say a 10000mah version has the pins on the flat side and a more thin wide/long type shape.
You can see how they resolved these thermal conflicts by only 10W input only 10.5W output whilst having the 10W input but going to 15W output when no 10W input.
The specs shout out thermal management.
Kinja/Lifehacker has a 20% off code, making it around $21 (USD).
Use code 321KINJA on Amazon
According to their review, it looks it uses about 1 amp to charge the internal batteries when plugged into AC, leaving a 2 amp output between the two ports. When not plugged in, the internal battery can output 3 amps.
Thanks for link to review and discount code.
No that can’t be it, as then when battery charged the output should go up.
It makes more sense if you a battery capable of 15W output, and a PSU of 10.5W. It prioritizes the USB sockets then the battery.
The review says it right, you gain simplicity.
(revised, Anker has lowered the quoted weight from 7.6oz to 4.16oz. Typo? As the Slim 5000 is also 4.16oz)
For that you lose Wattage and mah. Powerport2 is 24W. If you simply add the volume and weight of Powerport2 and say the Powercore Slim 5000, you get 10 cubic inch, 7.6 oz, the Fusion is 9.5 cuin and 4.2oz so for 4% smaller size and 45% lighter, you lose 13.5W.
I bought one. Going on cruise in 2 weeks and should come in handy. Will do a review on YouTube.
I ordered one on Saturday was due to ship today for arrival Thursday, then saw the discount code and cancelled reordered and now due to arrive next week. I guess someone else who order jumped forward.
I tend to have EDC of a Powerport2 + slim 5000 + 2 cables but this will shrink to Fusion + cable.
For trips I tend to carry the 10000 for my tablet on flights.