Find Out Whodunit with Smart Pet Detection

Please do something like this for UK fans!

sorry @AnkerOfficial I registered but I don’t live in the US :sweat_smile:

if you win, you can send it my way :smiley:

Tom waiting for Jerry lol

:joy: why not !!!

Me avoiding the coronavirus :rofl:

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LoL. You cannot avoid it fully, only delay getting it. Ironically the earlier you get it the better the medical care you’ll get because ill people grow exponentially and medical staff will be fewer at the end. The primary reason to avoid it is to slow down it getting to others, i.e. altruism. So the opposite of what most people think they do it for of protecting themselves.

Us mathematicians know what to do.

What you are saying makes sense, but I’d still to avoid it altogether. I guess the only way to avoid it would be to move to an isolated place and cut all contact with the world. Not e en ordering stuff online or going to the store to buy food and toiletries

Current guess is vaccine is next year, and 80% infected. If you can avoid it til towards end of year, enough people caught it became immune (“herd immunity”) but the chances are you will get it and avoiding is mostly delaying it.

Focus on wellness interim, exercise, not smoking, limit alcohol, sunshine, positive thoughts. Also buddy up with neighbours as its unlikely you’re all ill at the same time so you cook/shop for them when they ill and they return the favour.

95% of us will be fine if act in altruistic society.

I am not saying be fatalist, not advocating you’re going to get it anyway so don’t try to avoid it, as avoiding it delays you becoming the person who infects, but am saying avoiding it is to primarily help others, and if everyone did that then everyone is helping everyone.

The self-less societies will fair better than the self-ish societies.

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Thanks for the advice

And dont forget to wash your hands more often!

I know its sounds stupid, but the more often it is said, the better we think of it.


Correct, right now it also get us to the muscle memory habit before the peak when we need to be the best at it.

Good reminder :+1:

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Any of you guys won?

I had posted winners from Eufy Security community on other thread, I have not won :frowning:

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Aw man, sorry to hear.
I’m gonna go look for that thread

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Here you go

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Thanks bro!

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