Sign up to win 2 Eufy security 2k indoor cams free

UK site needs to pull there finger out :grin::crossed_fingers:

Nice event for US members, good share @Tank

Actually I have nothing on this…

Awesome!! thanks for sharing and the chance to win :slight_smile:

Best of luck guys!

Winners announced for the event

image image image image image

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Welp I didnt win :pensive:

Neither did I :anguished:

Hate these * out lists, i thought i appeared 2-3 times!
But nothing for me, wrong country anyway :grin:

Oops… missed it again this time :grimacing:
Wonder if any of us made it to the list :roll_eyes:

I visit the eufy Community may be once a week now… nothing really interesting happening there… hope to see some more action :crossed_fingers:


eufy community is still in the beginning stage and they are putting together some plans about how to go with giveaways and rewards etc.,
I guess they will launch it soon with all bells and whistles…

I’d completely forgotten about it :rofl:

I go visit the Eufy community but right now it’s kinda dead


Not sure about the thought process behind getting the spin-off community started and just leaving it there … it didn’t get 10% of the coverage / show what Soundcore got :frowning:

Still looks like a alpha, beta , gamma stage of a community

Keep in mind that eufy Security’s user base is probably a tenth of the size of Soundcore’s…

That still doesn’t justify that it gets such a lackluster launch


Agreed, also the timing may be adding to that… not sure if all the crews are back to work.

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Yep, certainly smaller and likely less of a budget to hit the ground running with giveaways to draw in the crowds…


The eufy forum honestly seems like it was just thrown together (no offence whatsoever to whomever is in charge of it).

They didn’t even really have a proper announcement. We were basically just given the URL to the website.

When soundcore launches, they released some teasers several days early to draw in everyone’s attention, which caused far more people to create accounts on day 1, giving it a huge boost.

I don’t expect eufy to be as big as the soundcore forum as @Insider mentioned, they have a much smaller audience. Currently the forum is basically dead. 1/10 of the audience should equate to 1/10 of the activity- but it doesn’t.

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