‘Twas a few weeks before Christmas, [on the Anker website](https://www.anker.com/deals/xmas-2018?utm_source=community&utm_medium=blog&utm_content=2018xmas_us_181206), There were PowerHouse and PowerCore, and a eufy night light! No one could snicker or sniffle or scoff, At the banner proclaiming: 50% OFF!
And as one little shopper completed her haul
Happily shopping online skipping lines at the mall
Completed and paid for her purchase with care
Knowing her Anker order is soon to be there
But, oh what surprises awaited our hero,
As she sat down to her desk and cracked open a beer-o
Checking her email for holiday greetings
Hoping to warm her heart up from the long winter sleetings
When suddenly: what’s that? Could it be!?
An email from Anker, proclaiming with glee:
We’ve paid for your order;
That’s right, it’s all FREE!
Dear Anker fans: now it’s your time to try
Head to the Christmas Gift Guide to shop and to buy
You never do know, you might just get lucky
With 100 winners, the odds aren’t too yucky!
But that isn’t all, Community crew:
I do have one final secret for you
10 winning places are already reserved
For Community members only! Your winnings preserved!
And thusly, therefore, we guarantee:
10 of you members get Christmas for free!
Whether you need a cable or PowerCore II,
Something for loved ones or something for you
We wish you a magical Christmas Day dawn
Merry Christmas to All! Anker fans, Power On!
**Rules:** 1. To be part of the community pool of free orders (increasing your chances of winning!), share below what you purchase on Anker.com after your order is complete. If you win, you’ll be asked to provide your order number to claim your prize. 2. 10 winners will be chosen from the Anker community members. 3. Winners from the community will be announced on January 3rd, 2018. 4. Open to US residents only. 5. The other rules are the same as the rules on the [event page](https://www.anker.com/deals/xmas-2018?utm_source=community&utm_medium=blog&utm_content=2018xmas_us_181206).
Winner Announcement
The 10 lucky winners are:
The confirmation email will be sent to you within two weeks. Congratulations!