Ah ok, i thought you had to include it, but have reread it, I can see …
Christmas Gift Guide | Win a FREE Order of Gifts
Thank you for listening to our suggestions
Oooh. This one is interesting. Might just have to pick up a few last minute gifts.
The USA deal is only for ordering on Anker but the UK one is only ordering on Amazon. Did I get that right? Impacts postage.
It’s free delivery on Anker. Com for orders over $28…
If it’s free delivery it will be brought this way:
Yes I’m, thank you for it. Even it’s just US only
UK and DE are also covered with promotion prices Just make sure to change the region in the top right corner of the site…
UK and DE have promotions. But the free orders campaign is US Only.
Does this mean, ONLY 10, or 10 will definitely win but more could?
Only 10 winners will be chosen from the community. If you’ve purchased Anker products on Anker.com from Dec 6th to Dec 31st, then you’ll be possible to be selected to get full refund. And if you have shared what you purchased under this thread, it will increase you chances of winning. But I’m sorry that this free order campaign is US only.
No mention of US only, I thought the us only, was in reference to the codes, not the whole campaign.
Should have guessed really.
Nice competition and I do appreciate that there’s allocated guaranteed forum member winners.
I could do with a couple more lightning cables as I have a surplus of micro usb ones
But only USA members
Ah I thought there was 10 forum gifts regardless of where we are from. Oh well …
Good luck to those in US
Finally got myself a PowerPort Mini with the discount! Just finished up the order.
Just purchased a Powercore 2000 PD. Hoping to win! Order # R589XXXXXX.
Hello first post here just bought a pair Soundcore 2
Thanks for the giveaway