Anker Soundcore Motion+ not working with Win10 laptops running Intel bluetooth chipsets

I purchased a Motion+ today, and I can not get it to connect to any of my laptops.

The speaker does work fine connected to a phone. I did successfully update the firmware on the Motion+ before trying the connection to the laptops.

I’ve got 4 different fully updated Windows 10 laptops here, running 2 different Intel Bluetooth chipsets. One of the chipsets tested is a Intel AC-3165 chipset. The latest drivers were just downloaded from Intel’s website. The Motion+ will pair with the laptops, but it shows up under “Other devices”, instead of as an audio device like other bluetooth speakers. It is not being recognized as a speaker and thus I can’t choose it as my audio output device.

Is this a known issue with Intel bluetooth chipsets? Other people appear to have had success getting the speaker to work with Windows 10 laptops, but they did not specify who made their bluetooth adapter (not that it should matter), but I’ve tried 4 and their all (mis)behaving the same way.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?

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So you already have the latest bluetooth driver from Intel? Who is the manufacturer of the bluetooth card? I would go to their site and see if their driver is the same as intel

The laptops are from 3 different manufacturers (2 HP, Dell, Avita). They have slightly out of date versions of the drivers on their sites (no surprise there). I’ve tried both the original version of the driver, and the latest from Intel. Same results (shows up as a paired non-audio device).

I’m looking for a non-Intel bluetooth adapter to test with, but haven’t had any luck tracking one down yet.

I meant the manufacturer of the bluetooth card, not the brand of the laptop. While i have had success using the chipset to get the right driver, they dont always work with certain manufacturers of the bluetooth cards, hence why i mentioned to go to that website for their driver.

Have you tried deleting the BT profile from the laptop and trying again?

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These are Intel wireless chipsets. There are made by Intel and sold to laptop manufacturers who put them in their laptops. These are not obscure usb bluetooth dongles.

I have tried removing the BT profiles multiple times between driver upgrades and reboots on all the computers I’ve tried it on.

I just tried it on a fifth Windows 10 computer. This has a different, newer Intel chipset - AC9462. This supports Bluetooth 5.0 (the other laptops all support Bluetooth 4.2 I believe). Same result. Soundcore Motion+ shows up under “Other Devices” and is not seen as an audio device.

Still no luck tracking down a non-Intel bluetooth adapter.

I have the same issue. Any solution?

No solution. It doesn’t work at all with Windows 10 regardless of your BT chipset or drivers if it’s upgraded to the latest firmware version. I spoke with two people who said theirs works with their computers. One tried it and found he was wrong, and it no longer did (he was on the latest firmware). Someone else confirmed there’s does work on an older firmware.

Mine’s going back to Amazon.

Same here. After a firmware update of the Motion+, my Motion+ is no longer being recognized by Windows 10 Pro as a Sound device. I’ve tried unpairing and repairing, but no dice.

The Motion+ works fine with my Pixel 4 running Android 10.

I have the exact same issue, paired but not as sound device. I have a DELL XPS 15 with updated drivers.

same issue here, paired but not as sound device. I have acer predator 300 helios with updated drivers.

Same issue here as well in that the motion+ has paired (via a tp-link ub400 bluetooth adapter) to my windows 10 pc, but is not reported as an audio device and is under the ‘other devices’ list.
Same goes for my windows 10 laptop running the intel on-board bluetooth.

When ‘discovering’ the device on both my systems it shows up as ‘unknown device’. When you click it thats when its becomes listed as ‘Soundcore Motion+’ and then gets added to the ‘other devices’ list. Once in the list the accompanying icon beside it is two rectangles depicting maybe a phone/tablet ? ( for instance if a mouse is listed here there is an icon of a mouse as well).

I can not see how to change the properties/preferences of individual bluetooth hardware within windows 10.
I really think this is an Anker software issue.

Motion+ works well from my phone , really well! The sound once tweaked via the app equaliser is quite impressive, now only if it would work on the pc as well…

Is there any solution now? I have the same issue with a ThinkPad T470, only recognized as “Other device”

Issue solved from my side, I am now able to connect my motion+ to my windows 10 laptop with below steps:

  1. unpaired both devices
  2. reset speaker holding Bluetooth button and volume+ for 3-5 seconds
  3. Pairing again the device is found as audio device

Hope this help for all of you.


Simple when you know how. Thanks Loregel your tip worked perfectly, thanks for the solution.


thanks loregel, now its working fine here <3


I have a Dell XPS 15 9560 running Windows 10, and this worked for me as well, thank you so much, Loregel!!


Yep, it works now.

Thanks for the solution.

Thank you so much loregel… It worked

thank you very very much.
i ve just created this account to thank you :slight_smile:
solved my issue for my win10 desktop pc