Anker Solix


I tried and yes it works much better with an MPPT so 1 microinverter. Thanks for your feedback.
Unfortunately, my microinverter has a power of 400W and limits production.
Is there an 800W microinverter with 1 Mppt? or what would be the best solution?

Good day.


After a few days of trying I am happy to report the following: I purchased an Anker MI80 inverter and attached the Solarbank to only one port. I also upgraded the firmware to the latest version. Since then everything is working as expected, finally.

There is some fluctuation when changes are very sudden (for example clouds coming in and out that change the input from 300 to 700) as the Solarbank needs time to stabilize, but when the weather is stable it has been working flawlessly.

Best regards.

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According to the specifications of the MI80 micro inverter, I am not sure that it works as well in summer. because it is not designed to receive 800W on an input.
But I hope it works just as well for you this summer.

Personally, I prefer to wait for a solution more in line with the specifications of the battery. Or who it is, an update that solved the problem.
In any case, thank you for this interesting feedback, which confirms the operating problem.

Good day.

hi together,
fyi, i experienced issues when signing up with Apple ID.
it said (after clicking on the new device in the App), in the following screen “No device found. move close to the Device or move the device closer to the router”
i then deleted the account and created a new one just with email - that worked!
have fun!

Hi Pavel,
Not sure I understand the solution you are giving out. Here is a quick recap of the problem I am having:
Panel A and B have different angles, one is south-15° and the other south +15°.
When panel A is producing the highest output, for some reason the battery will never charge more than 300w. Later in the afternoon and when panel B is producing the most, no problems I can charge the battery at whatever I chose.
Did you have a similar problem and has it solved it completely?
Thanks for your help

I just received this rather shocking answer to my question concerning the future developments of the API for the MI80. Does anybody know about some reasonable solutions or workarounds that to automate the functionality of the ANKER MI80? Greetings Ernst

“Currently, our MI80 does not support API functions. In the near future, we are temporarily unable to have MI80 support API and other functions so that MI80 can access the API function of EZ1M. As far as I know, we are not thinking about releasing similar functions for MI80 in the near future. But I can’t guarantee that there won’t be any changes.”

My question was:

“Thank you for your prompt reply. It is of course very disappointing for me and probably many Anker users. You write: “Enabling products to work with other devices via APIs has always been a development direction we are focussing on. Unfortunately, there is currently no corresponding function.”
Anker has made similar statements in the past. In fact, both the SOLIX battery and the MI80BLE are visible in my WiFi network and probably also communicate with my router. So it’s not about available and usable interfaces. So far, there have been at least two updates for the battery, but no update for the microinverter.
The specifications for the EZ1 from APsytems and for the Anker MI80 are not really any different. I don’t doubt that there are slight differences. However, I doubt that the differences are so great that a local API cannot be integrated.
At the moment (winter) I am satisfied, as the battery/MI80 combination with a continuous feed-in limit of 100W supports the base load on sunny (!) winter days until the early morning. In six to eight (6-8) weeks, however, things look quite different. This is when dynamic and automatic adjustment of the feed-in becomes very important in order to at least come close to the amortisation times you have calculated and to achieve a high level of self-consumption.
In other words, I and many of your customers are waiting for a prompt way to be able to dynamically and automatically adjust the feed-in without having to manually enter a new plan every morning.
As I am actually very satisfied with your product, I am currently thinking about setting up a second group in the coming weeks. However, I will not be purchasing or recommending a system from Anker at the moment.
I would like to ask you urgently for binding statements: 1) Will there be a firmware update for the MI80 at all? 2) Will there be a firmware update for the MI80 in the next four weeks? If there is no firmware update for the MI80, please let the community and me know clearly.”

“Derzeit unterstĂŒtzt unser MI80 keine API-Funktionen. In naher Zukunft ist es uns vorĂŒbergehend nicht möglich, dass MI80 die API und andere Funktionen unterstĂŒtzt, sodass MI80 auf die API-Funktion von EZ1M zugreifen kann. Soweit ich weiß, denken wir nicht darĂŒber nach, in naher Zukunft Ă€hnliche Funktionen fĂŒr MI80 zu veröffentlichen. Aber ich kann nicht garantieren, dass es keine Änderungen gibt.”

My question was:

" Vielen Dank fĂŒr Ihre prompte Antwort. Sie ist natĂŒrlich fĂŒr mich und wahrscheinlich viele Anker Nutzer sehr enttĂ€uschend. Sie schreiben: „Die Zusammenarbeit von Produkten mit anderen GerĂ€ten ĂŒber APIs zu ermöglichen, war schon immer eine Entwicklungsrichtung, auf die wir uns konzentrieren. Leider gibt es derzeit keine entsprechende Funktion.“
Ähnliche Aussagen gab es von Anker ja auch in der Vergangenheit. TatsĂ€chlich sind sowohl der SOLIX Akku als auch der MI80BLE in meinem WiFi-Netz sichtbar und kommunizieren wohl auch mit meinem Router. Es geht also nicht um verfĂŒg- und verwendbare Schnittstellen. Bislang kamen ja auch mindestens zwei Updates fĂŒr den Akku, allerdings kein Update fĂŒr den Microinverter.
Die Spezifikationen fĂŒr den EZ1 von APsytems und fĂŒr den Anker MI80 unterscheiden sich eigentlich nicht. Dass es leichte Unterschiede gibt, bezweifele ich nicht. Dass die Unterschiede so groß sind, dass eine lokale API nicht integriert werden kann, bezweifele ich allerdings.
Derzeit (Winter) bin ich zufrieden, da die Kombination Akku/MI80 mit einer kontinuierlichen Einspeisungs-Grenze von 100W die Grundlast an sonnigen (!) Wintertagen bis in den frĂŒhen Morgen unterstĂŒtzt. In sechs bis acht (6-8) Wochen sieht das aber ganz anders aus. Da wird eine dynamische und automatische Anpassung der Einspeisung sehr wichtig, um zumindest in die NĂ€he der von Ihnen berechneten Amortisationszeiten und eine hohe Eigennutzung zu kommen.
Das heißt, ich und viele Ihrer Kunden warten auf eine zeitnahe Möglichkeit, eine dynamische und automatische Anpassung der Einspeisung durchfĂŒhren zu können, ohne jeden Morgen erstmal einen neuen Plan manuell einzugeben.
Da ich eigentlich mit Ihrem Produkt sehr zufrieden bin, denke ich derzeit darĂŒber nach, in den kommenden Wochen eine zweite Gruppe einzurichten. Derzeit werde ich aber keine Anlage von Anker kaufen oder empfehlen.
Ich bitte Sie dringend um verbindliche Aussagen: 1) Wird es ĂŒberhaupt ein Firmware-Update des MI80 geben? 2) Wird es in den kommenden vier Wochen ein Firmware-Update des MI80 geben? Sollte es kein Firmware-Update des MI80 geben, dann teilen Sie das doch der Community und mir klar und deutlich mit."

Also got the problem that the power bank is discharging immediately after reaching 11% down to 10% on days with changing sun. This is the worst possible reaction and will degenerate the battery much faster than having at least a threshold - that is setable by the user - that has to be reached to discharge.

Dear Ankerk engineers: The current behavior is wrecking your batteries and thus your guarantee proposals!
And please provide open interfaces for home automation! The current workarounds with access to your web-apis is draining your server capabilities unnecessarily.

Alternatively release your firmware as OSS to the public. We will take care of it :wink:

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Hi, I am not aware of the workarounds. Could you please guide me to an informative source! Greetings Ernst

It’s only possible to access the web-API from anker and not the device directly. There are integrations (e.g. for home assistant) that use this api, but then accessing it via app is not possible (at the same time). So some simple (home) automation capability would be nice.
At least the retrieving data that is also available via app.

Thank you. Ernst

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