PowerDraw Winner Anouncement (Weekly updates)

Ok, so to add to that, “…and want to win” :+1:t2:

Great points there @paulstevenewing

@ndalby @TechMan Un-hiding the profile and joining Auction event is similar to going to war battlefield without arms and armour, or what fun if we know that a game match is fixed (everyone knows how much PB they own and set of known players to win) !!!

Cannot say more than that… Ankerofficial knows in and out of who has how many PowerBucks…

if someone bids more than what they own… Ankerofficial can take actions on such users. I have never bid more than I owned… and would appreciate members respecting privacy of other fellow members!

Join and have fun for auction…


Don’t think that’s ever been enforced or stated…only that you can’t bid/raise more than 100 bucks at a time…bit of a fine line I guess…

@Shenoy we all have our opinions on hidden/unhidden profiles during an auction and if I’m interested in the item I will no doubt bid regardless of the top bidders ‘status’…

…my standpoint has been unhidden due to the possibility of upbidding occurring again, without mods being able to call someone on it when @AnkerOfficial isn’t around and get things back on track…which has happened before and in essence caused the auction (can’t remember which) to spiral for no good reason…

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Oh no @ndalby, this comment has now turned into a phantom comment :joy:

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Possibly because I replied to and quoted your post…it’s more widespread than mine I believe…

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I created a poll for it here

whatever the outcome, I will not unhide my profile :rofl:

I will not hide anymore!



Might want to update the title to make it more specific to ‘for auctions’ seeming as that is the main ‘against’ point to hidden profiles that people have referred to…

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noted, thank you. its updated now.

I usually stay up to watch the auction even though I’m not bidding because it’s like free entertainment

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: nice meme!

What is the auction?

@tylerjac98 Please see this response here

Okay, I will never be able to win this, I don’t have enough powerbucks :slightly_frowning_face:

Stay active and don’t spend (too many of) them on the powerdraw, and you will have enough in no time :upside_down_face:

Congrats to @proscriptus1, @professor, and @daniel.r.mcavoy for winning the powerdraw! I hope you all enjoy your prizes!

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A well known member is announced : @professor :smiley:


Well done @professor
I nearly entered for that, glad I didn’t so you could win!

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I won something?!?

I bid one entry for it.

I got fed up with going all-in and losing 1500 PBs to not win so just dip 1 entry. The homeopathy version of winning.

I don’t actually want them (if i did I’d simply buy) so it will be a gift to someone. Probably my wife.

It has been a long time since I won anything, and it’s all change. I notice Ankerofficial is working weekends and I notice I got the email immediately, the last time I won it took like a week to get the email.


May be you found out how to convince the very famous, well known
fellow named “random” :rofl: