Jouz by Anker - A smart move by Anker or one bad for their and your health?

vaping is even worst than smoking real cigarettes as it is easily picked up by teens and young adults thinking its safe to do.
Its even more harmful…


Yes is is so much worse and they do no seem to understand because they think it’s cool. The amount of chemicals needed for those things to be made into a vapor are horrible


There are so many different “mixtures” on the market.
Who ever knows who mixed these and were do these come from.
Poison indeed!

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Definitely the reason for people “micro dosing” aka small manageable hits, usually from a pen style, that are not used to fully get high, but to ease whatever discomfort or anxiety.

That is the main problem with it. Anyone can mix up a batch of vape juice with PG and VG and commercial food flavoring, so it does not seem surprising that some of them can cause an issue.

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I saw some people in my high school a couple year ago vaping because it was “cool” according to them and their close friends. It’s surprising to see people bring vapes in school without getting caught. One of my friends used to smoke and we tried to tell her how dangerous it is so she started vaping thinking it would be any better. Keep in mind she did this while under 18. Kinda crazy how easy it is to buy cigarettes and vapes when you aren’t legally allowed to buy them

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Don’t look at good and bad on vaping/smoking etc… Anker is a business and should move forward with a great opportunity.

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Well in that case do whatever you like
Sooner or later its going to come back and bite you in the ass
Look at all the cigarette companies
Making profit from business don’t mean you forget your social responsibility

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That is true but the cigarette companies are’nt forcing you to smoke. That is an adult decision. You decide if you want to smoke or not


Teenagers and young adults don’t make a very good decision in that area…
As for me personally, it wouldn’t matter. I’m a well educated person with brains (Dr. Sachin Kumar)


You are correct @kumar.sachin or should I say Dr. Kumar! :slight_smile: It is hard to control tobacco use in young adults, almost as hard as it is with underage drinking. As a parent you have to watch your kids, guide them, and help them always.


absolutely agree 100%
cannot force anything but a good guidance goes a long way…


Can you imagine a world where we don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol, don’t use drugs, don’t eat meat, all drive electric cars etc

World would be a boring place :yum:

We all have vices, no matter how much information is available to us we all make choices to take heed or ignore. I know there are some who are unfortunately born into this world with dependencies etc but for the rest of us we should accept others choices. And if they wanna vape so be it - why shouldn’t they have the choice of using a vape affiliated to such a great brand :muscle:t2:

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Couldn’t agree more

That’s true, but we we might stop discussion if its good or not.
Because there are really to different views and parties.
Makes no sense. :wink:


discussion is very important. without discussion we cannot make any decisions.

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Quit using drugs and you’ll be able to afford more Anker products! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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[quote=“k_pug2003, post:53, topic:67431”]
don’t eat meat
[/quote]I don’t think I could go without my meat. :yum:


I think this is a great discussion among peers! I respect everyone’s view and it is always good to hear someone out because it just might change your mind.

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I don’t think you will get smokers and steamers to stop their addiction,
by discussing here.
They all know what they are doing and if they want to do, they do.

40 years ago I decided to stop smoking and there was nobody who convinced or urged
me to do so,