[Event Ended] Alexa Hits the Road

I’m interested in the hands-free features, as it will benefit people who want to get directions or change a playlist or make a phone call without having to physically touch a device.

I think that this would be useful for my mom, who needs directions to just about everywhere.

I love the integrated voice control and hands-free feature

I would love to have Alexa in the car though control my smart home features as I pull in! Come home to a warm and well lit house!

Love that it’s voice activated so I can get my directions quickly and hands free!

I like how one can genuinely transform one’s vehicle into their smart home’s extension of true automation. The fact that he or she can automate anything via the vehicle firsthand; sort of like a point if entry, is remarkable.

I would like it really!!

True hands free assisted driving will make my long commute so much safer.

I’m excited that I’ll never be alone in the car :eyes:

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I’m super excited for Viva because I have a 31 year old car that has absolutely nothing smart in it (unless you consider cruise control smart), it will be nice to have the ability to bring smart features and hands free controls to my less-than-smart car.

One funny use I thought for it would be to be on a road trip, order dominos from the Alexa skill, then proceed to pick it up a half hour or so down the road.

I’m super excited to have more of a hands free option- no more picking up my phone to type in directions, search for a song or album…And when my brain is being random, I can ask Alexa random questions! Score!

I’m looking forward to the hands free music streaming… my current Bluetooth device is ok but a upgrade would be amazing…

I’m excited for the skills I can use in my car now!

I like that one device can be used for so many different devices (My Phone, My radio)

Haha I didn’t wanna be the one to post that :smile:

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I would use it to set my thermostat when I’m coming home.

Alexa - play that F*in track!

This and to turn up the temp in my house. F*in cold in Chicago


handsfree calling

I would use Alexa for directions

Looking forward to using it in the work vehicles since they are brain dead otherwise.