WWDC 2019 Discussion

If people don’t want it why do they buy it?

You wanna know how I made these spoons?


Cos it’s apple, cos a celebs have them, cos it’s the fashionable thing to have.

Last but not least, cos it’s so damned expensive, they want it… Look what I got, the most expensive phone there is (baring some very high priced fashion branded phones).

Apple for years was an unloved brand, and considered slow, clunky and well over priced. Was loved by designers n those in media. Then jobs woke up to the phone market, and managed to push the myth, and suddenly everyone wants apple goods.

For the vast majority, it’s either to keep up with everyone else, or it’s cos they use Apple computers.

That’s what I say from observations

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Hoping dark mode finally makes an iOS appearance, and I’m hoping the rumors of a new volume rocker/slider/whatever it’s called. Basically I’m looking forward to seeing the little things that are long over-due for an update.


Shhhhh. When you upset the fanbois they get really triggered and think even when you are agreeing with them they are being personally attacked and their family is being dishonored. Then you get dragged down into some weird rabbit hole that has nothing to do with the original discussion. But hey, it makes for some nice point farming. lol

Don’t let the mode name confuse you. I use it all the time in dark environments because it adds an extra level of dimness and removes harsh blue. I also use it in the morning when I wake up to check work emails while my wife is still asleep so she isn’t bothered by my phone screen.

They have lead market share because people think its not all about specs so when you say “Apple only has 20% market share and Samsung has 30%, wouldn’t that make them second?” They can argue that numbers are all just a lie and don’t mean anything.

I wouldn’t buy a spoon based on just length alone, thats near sighted and how you fail at life.

Additional information I would need to know about the spoon:

  • Depth of Spoon
  • Width of spoon handle
  • Width of spoon neck
  • Material used
  • What manufacturing process was used to make the spoon
  • Color of the Spoon
  • Warranty on spoon
  • Thickness of spoon
  • weight of spoon
  • does the spoon come in a set to match other utensils?
  • Is the spoon from a no-conflict zone?
  • Will modifying my spoon void the warranty?
  • How many HDMI ports does the spoon have?


If you want buy a spoon based on one spec, why do you buy a phone based on a just a few specs? Not everything is on the spec sheet.

I want you to know that there is a decent chance I will be getting a Samsung phone next. But that doesn’t mean I hate Apple. They still make amazing products!

The 7 spoons that don’t match the rest really bother me. lol

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More than iOS, WWDC will have bigger news for WatchOS…

Dark mode on iOS!!


It was fun reading @The_Bearded_Tech_Guy and @TechMan … C’mon guys take it easy… don’t be so hard on …they are just phones/spoons people survived without them and they will… :grin:

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so far lots of people working at night… :joy:

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At least something good came from our insolence :joy:

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You’ve been right so far… lmao


guys today apple only release new ios or new devices?

Just software, but not only for iPhone

pretty sure its just software

Ha! Beat you! That makes you behind like Apple? :joy:

Mainly it’s the Apple ecosystem OS software such as iOS, MacOS, WatchOS etc

On occasion there is the…one more thing for a new device etc but that is few and far between lately…

Though there have been rumours that a sneak peak might be given of the modular Mac Pro…