Would you use an Anker Community App?

Hey @AnkerOfficial - any chance we could get an Anker community app? Its hard to interface with the community via mobile browser. Anyone else interested?

  • I would use an anker community app
  • I would not use an anker community app

0 voters


I’ve been dying for this to come to app form would be so nice to have. But if it goes to an app I still want to website because it’s easy to access from the computer on a website.

Anker will be releasing the app, hopefully by the end of the year. I think almost everyone wants it :grin:

@gAnkster This has been talked about many times before, they already said one is in the works and should be rolling out this year


I would not use, but there are many others who would like this.
We were talking about a lot.

Well dang it. Sorry i duplicated the thread. It m7st have been when i was away from the communitt last year :worried:

I am good with or without the app. Whenever they release the app, will check how fast it is versus web,

@gAnkster As mentioned by @tank an app is being worked on by Anker and was originally planned for release last year…once the app is stable no doubt they will let us know :wink: