Would you be interested in getting an Anker product for $1, and share your review experience?"

Yes, I will do it. :slight_smile: cheers

This sound great. I believe in this system and I hope it works for both customers and for Anker. I am all for it.

I feel if the goal it to get more people to get their hands on a product and review it this works, but as others have said when doing reviews I prefer to have some time to really evaluate the product first so I am fare to the company offering the product and the end user ready my review.


@ndalby @TechnicallyWell moderators this person copy pasted @Arwen post at the top.


I thought I remembered reading that beforeā€¦

wow Josh we being it doing it all wrong up to now, we been typing it, wearing out fingers, why didnt I think of it before, ctrl-C, reply ctrl-p wow 3 characters. Imagine the powerbucks weā€™d earn.

Oh hang onā€¦

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Well, as mentioned before there is the flag button for when modā€™s and admins arenā€™t around :smile: ā€¦perhaps if it had a points value like before, more people would by using it now :wink:

Iā€™d be open to a $1 product for review. like the others have mentioned, for me it depends on the product.

But it does seem like a good idea to me, especially since it will help to keep more verified purchased reviews out there

This would be even worse. Amazon is already removing reviews that donā€™t show up as verified, let alone if it shows up as verified!

Most reviews Iā€™ve heard of being removed are due to statements that it was provided as discount or as a sample. Amazonā€™s own T&Cā€™s mention you can review items not purchased via them but these are limited and frequent abuse will lead to repercussions.

I do agree though that Amazon would be all over this like ā€˜white on riceā€™ if discount codes started appearing for Anker products to reduce them down to around $1 (or Ā£76p, typed not copied :wink:) to register as a verified purchase. Any subsequent reviews for said products would no doubt disappear into the ether, along with your Amazon accountā€¦

Yes! I would love to help evaluate and review new products!


Yes please. I would be happy to do it!


I would not mind this, in fact, I would love thisā€¦but opening it to the public might be a bit interesting/difficult because of Amazonā€™s recent policy change on reviews.

Any other social media outlet could be okay I guess, and the fact that there is a 1 week window, that would mean that you would need to keep track of all the items that went out for reviews to enforce the 1 week policy. I am guessing this can be fixed by limiting the amount of items available to give out for $1 (to make it more manageable).

The potential problem with the 1 week can be solved by adjusting the time interval depending on what item you are proposing for $1. The $ amount can change as well, depending on the item (say $2, $5, etc).

Some good points were brought up above, about how some people will take it without having any credentials to review it in the first place (might not have a car, etc), I am not sure how to get around this but I would propose to use this forumā€™s level as a guide to see who will be more honest in their credential fit for the review. So maybe opening up some items for Level x and above for more premium items, so that the senior members will be more honest whether or not they have the ability to review that certain item, while having some lower $ items such as cables and cases etc to whomever.

Just my initial 2 cents.

@joshuad11 makes some very good valid points. The time frame for reviews isnā€™t long enough. For both the benefit of Anker and future product buyers, I think that being able to thoroughly test it for at least 2 weeks should be a requirement. As a reviewer, I want to be able to give a thorough and unbiased review of the product. When I do a review, I keep in mind what I as a watcher/reader would like to know about the product. And as a consumer looking for reviews, I would like the reviewer to be thorough and give me more in depth workings of the product that I am interested inā€¦ vs just re-iterating what the box already tells me. I want their ā€œlifeā€ experience. And so when I have a product to review, I always end up feeling like I have a deadline to meet. Thus, I feel like I have to put something together quickly but yet, try to be as in depth as I could be for the sake of the potential buyer. And the main thing is, when you get a product in, youā€™re excited because itā€™s new. But once the newness settles, you look at the product in a different limelight. I guess the best way to describe it is getting a new toy and playing with it for a bitā€¦ losing it and then finding it years later and rediscovering it but yet, finding out that it does a lot more then you realize. Basically all Iā€™m saying is that I think those that are given a product to review, ā€œwith great power, comes great responsibility.ā€ :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I concur.

This definitely should be a separate thing but also allowing some of the top participates of the community, to beta test.


I agree with you total. :thumbsup:
One fact: all those who have probably never written a review agree, but the Power User and those who have already written one are pleading for a longer review time ā€¦

Technically it would be Ā£91p because USA prices are quoted no sales tax and UK prices with VAT. So a person in California pays $1.06, a Oregon resident $1, Louisiana resident $1.10 and UK Ā£91p

I am not a robot.


TouchƩ, guess the sarcasm was lost :smile:

Nice to see the new accounts popping up at the possibility of a $1 review opportunityā€¦


Ooops. Sarcasm chip enabled.

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Give them an inch and they take a mile. Anything to get something potentially for free

When I have received products from companies to test or even beta test we are usually given a 2 to 3 week window to test, provide feedback/ constructive criticism, and write a review. These betas or just general product testing was distributed not only on a first come first serve basis but you also had to be credible. What I mean by credible is you had to have been part of the community and provide help and thoughtful post, not just someone who wants something for nothingā€¦proof by being helpful, actively participate in feedback to the company. These companies graded your feedback and helpfulness to determine if you can remain in their program and if you didnā€™t then you had to return the product or be blacklisted and you could no longer participate


Neck snaps

LIKE HELL YEAH! Even tho I would have to pry that dolls from my mums hands lel.