Would you be interested in getting an Anker product for $1, and share your review experience?"

Hi Anker fans,

Just as the title says, we want to ask you guys a quick question: Would you like to get one of our products for just $1? We would then ask you to test the product and give us a review within 1 week.

We’re getting some more events ready for you, so your feedback will help us in the planning process.

Thanks in advance, everyone! Please let us know your opinion in the comments.:grin:


Would that be 76p for us over in the UK then? :wink:

For me it depends on the product. If it’s something I’ll use a few times in a week then yes. Otherwise I normally pass. I would prefer to have something for long enough that I feel I can write a properly justified review of it.


Most certainly @AnkerOfficial

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While I’m all for discounts on products, I can see offering products to all and sundry for $1 will cause not only a rush on the products and community (if offered purely via here) but in the same light will create mostly watered down or unjustified favorable reviews out of fear that future $1 sales will not be offered. Just my take but I can see where the majority will be going on this…


I agree with @Arwen in that one week oftentimes just isn’t long enough, especially if you’re looking for a quality and creative review.

Now one way to partially fix what @ndalby brought up is to limit the people who can participate to level 7ish AND to extend the timeframe to say 2 weeks. Also I’m sure the future plans for the program will be unveiled at launch.

Now, personally, I would participate, but only if it was a product I was interested in.

What I think would be an even better idea is start shifting more of the beta testing sessions away from the PU program and toward the Community. To be honest, it doesn’t make much since now how sometime like @nigelhealy can’t participate in beta testing just because he doesn’t have a large enough following. They are two mostly unrelated areas. In fact, it night generally relate better to those in the Community. This idea should also solve most of the things @ndalby mentioned… Just my thoughts.


Yep on amazon it would be a verified purchase instead of none.

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Yeah, I totally agree with you, actually we already talked about this in the meeting.:grin:


Power user samples and beta testing are two separate things. Power users test products which are in production but have either not come to market yet and/or have just been released and require widespread feedback from consumers, for improvements or to drive sales. Beta testers are testing the product in final development stages to see if the product is ready for market or if additional tweaks are required.

I do agree though with both you and @Arwen and a few others that expanding review time to longer than 5 days (say 10 or 14 days) would be good for thorough reviews (especially speakers and the such with extended battery life).

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Yes but as far as I am aware, the beta testers are picked from a pool of power users.

I would definitely love to get something for $1 and review it. really interested in this :).

I would be willing to pay towards the products I am Interested in. I would also be willing to beta test if the chance came available.

I also agree with the time limit extension. I often find myself trying to squeeze a review in around my work and hospital visits.

yes of course, and hopefully it would show verified purchase on amazon

I would be all over it for a buck to try a product for a review

I would be interested in doing this. As the others have stated would need to be a product relevant to me.

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(bug? Said error 500) I’ll delete if first worked)

@Arwen and @joshuad11 are correct.

It isn’t just about cost, it is time and if my needs can be met enough to actually use it, so you need car drivers to test car things, traveling heavy users for batteries, the right type device for chargers and cables.

Power Users tend to be used for shipping products to cause review to exist so feedback is already too late.

For that reason the PU program is too small, it too often is a useless review of only unboxing and telling me no more than I can already see from existing information as the PU was selected on review following and not because they need and would use in anger the products


Same here.

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But when beta tests are performed members from the PU program are pulled to test.

I would have loved to, unfortunately it takes more than a week for any package to get to me. :pensive:
Great idea if its possible to be executed properly, as others have mentioned the time frame can cause a problem and it would need to be limited.

PU is too small a set as Anker has such diversity of products that too often the PU cannot adequately test a product. A PU sent a IQ2 product who doesn’t own QC charger and device for example.

Free stuff is similar to $1 in that it ends up in the hands of those not capable to actually give feedback gravitas. Not ability but lack of need to which product can be used in contexts of solving user problem. Like sending a free umbrella to someone living in s desert

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