Personally I would accept a less powerful wall charger in the USA as the USA wall socket does not withstand a heavy weight which protrudes far out from the wall and pulls itself out of the socket. I would expect that weight and size would make for some upper Wattage level.
What lower Wattage does is change your behavior to be more angst to use a wall socket whenever one presents, such as when flying.
Desktop chargers should go up to a much higher level, I’d expect at least a 100W desktop charger. Then say it was a 6 port 100W charger, it would have say two USB-PD ports and if you only used 1 of the 6 ports it could output 100W, or if you used say two USB-PD ports and attach two 100W input devices they would compete and get 50W each, and as you added more devices the 100W is shared further, such as if you used all 6 ports and the USB non-PD were all pulling at 12W limit then you’d use 48W on the 4 non-PD and so the two PD ports would get 26W each if at least 30W devices attached.