Which PowerCore should Dbrand create a skin for? [Poll]

Would be good to have skin on Soundcore Liberty Series Case

I think this would be evaluate by Dbrand before they made it.:sunglasses:

Good idea!

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Anyone think this would affect heat dissipation?

I have one of my packs wrapped in a carbon fiber vinyl and heat has never been an issue for me

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I haven’t had my powercore 13000 heat up at all. Even if it charges two items for 1hr+ it doesn’t heat up…

dBrand Skin would attach on top shell of Poweracire charger, so don’t think that there will be heat dissipating because of skin

No unlikely

We will conduct a series of security test before we officially launching it, so no worries.:grin:

I have a question. Is the powercore 13000c the same size and shape as the regular 13000? I don’t have the C version, I just have the regular…

Oh that’s a shame… I guess I don’t get s skin :pensive:

You can make it work, just slight difference in size

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I guess only time will tell :man_shrugging:

yhea, i dont get why they wouldnt make skins for at least like the top 3 or something. I love anker and Dbrand so that would be awesome

