Welcome to Charging Royalty | Special Edition 24K Gold PowerLine+ III USB-C to Lightning Cable Now Available!

I have already such a beautiful golden chain.
No more need for others!

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Excitement turns to sorrow :smiley::smiley::smiley::cry::cry::cry:

Now Franz, I can see why all the ladies are after you.
You are the spitting image of Tom Jones! :sunglasses:

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Haha Tom Jones the Tiger!
I am an old tomcat only! :rofl:


First time I’ve seen this post and I have one question … why?

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You asking why is the attention caused by bemusement. It doesn’t have to be a good idea, just different, to gain that little bit more brand awareness than if they didn’t.

The salient question would be to a buyer - why buy.

There’s the tiniest bit of gold, just on the contacts on the connector, rest is just gold colour. I’m saying that from memory from what Aaron said in one of the live streams so I could be wrong.

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I like the case it comes in but not at that price


That price is quite steep. How much would you be willing to spend on it?


My cheap ass wouldn’t even think of buying one :joy:. I saw the email they of this and just thought why? For who??

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Have not seen or remember the price coming down below $99.99 (might have missed it) , this is definitely a collector’s item, or for some CXO / Higher-ups for bragging :rofl:


Marketing. The fact you’re talking about it is all that matters. It doesn’t matter who buys it anyway as the chatter about its existence is the goal to bring people to look (and then they buy a $30 Powerline).

They might as well make a cable from Cauliflower, or cheese curds. Thinks: can you make a cable from recycled cigarette stubs?

Some will pay any price for it, and any units not yet sold, can be bought in other events - to get further attention.

And I see now I’m being manipulated as now I’m saying something rather than nothing.

Must learn to ignore, resist the manipulation of marketing.

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