Weekend activities! (old thread reanimated)

Yeah I mean normally I’ve only just started shopping this close to Christmas, so to be finished is amazing. I can now relax :yum:

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Time to relax and get on the beers son! :beer:


Prost Paul!
I am drinking my morning coffee… beer later! :beers:

These are my findings from yesterday’s fleamarket hunting.
I am happy about!


Hey @Chiquinho :wave:t2:
Great pieces, are they a vase?

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Morning everyone :wave:t2:
It was a hectic Saturday, hopefully today will be a little slower paced.
Last night we attended the annual Christmas Concert performed by the local Taverham Brass Band
We have attended for the last 4-5 years and love the sound of a live performance by a brass band.

Have a great Sunday everyone!


I love those events.
It’s of course a difference to visit such a concert as to visit an opera, we usually do.

But those kind of bands are VERY important for the “kids” playing there,
beside of the “old fellows” I see on the photo…
(Much better than those computer games)
May be you can convince Charly (give him a hug from me)
to learn how to play the trombone and take part there.
Would be a “new strong sound” in your house when practising,
beside those of your ANKER speakers.:rofl:

Yes those are vases from about 1910, fantastic Art Noveau design
Even my wife said, we must keep them.
Happens not often when she takes a look at my “findings”.:smiley:

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No no, worse than that, Charlie wants a drum kit.
That’s good by me as I have the noise cancelling Q20’s, not so good for Debs :joy:
The band has a training group of 20 people, most are kids aged 8 upwards and a few adults.
The youngest in the main band is 15 and he plays Drums in percussion and Cornet in wind, very talented boy.

That’s a good find from 1910 and great the wife likes them.
Perhaps she will join you on your treasure hunts at the flea markets now!

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Drum kit is even better than a trombone.
But should be a “real” one!
But your neighbours, even living in the next house, would “not be so amused”
I was a drummer in my youth and there is an equipment stored in the basement.
My kids always pushed me to set up when their were young, but I did’nt. :wink:
Its from Premier (english) and got a Ludwig (USA) snaredrum.
All absolutely vintage today.

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You will have to dust off the drum sticks and post a video here for us to enjoy :+1:t2:

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Well the last Sunday started well.
The weather is a bit rubbish but we popped over to Cromer anyway.
All was going well until Charlie slipped off his scooter and landed front first in a puddle, no harm done and we all had a chuckle. As he was soaked we headed back to the car for a swift change and called it a day!

Here’s some unappealing pics of a damp Cromer.


Same kind of weather here in München.
Rain and windy, but not so cold.
This year there will be no “White Christmas”


It’s cold and slight Rain here in bay area today

Saturday was very good though… Had been to Christmas in the Park event, it was great, we had lot of feast for eyes with bright lighting and Christmas themed props to see!


Seems the cold and rain has reached most of us!
Great pics @Shenoy

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I’m finally done doing last minute Christmas shopping :joy:

Haha, I forgot to wrap any.

I have some nieces and nephews that are coming into town tomorrow, and I have a feeling they’re going to want the presents sooner rather then later :joy:. Guess I’m going to pull an all nighter wrapping the presents.

All the ANKER and soundcore gifts from your huge magazine you are willing to donate, need no wrapping , Andrew.

You would need tons of paper! :rofl:

I finally got the last of my gifts, just have to wrap everything. Ill probably do all that in christmas eve, or if i feel lazy i will just put everything into boxes within boxes and give that to my son or wife. No need to get fancy as it just creates more trash to get rid of.

I might have a look tonight on amazon and see if I can get some last min novelty/small items (make the most of my monthly prime subscription)

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Hey @k_pug2003
Prime is a pure bank balance destroyer.
When i used to have to make my basket total over £20 to get free delivery i hardly bought anything!
Now i have Prime, and can get it delivered the next day, i spend a huge amount of money each month on stuff i don’t actually need.

True, but for me, it’s also a sanity-saver so I don’t have to go to the store for every little thing! :rofl:

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