We Love Testing | Upcoming Testing Events

I’m sure I could charge it once it arrives…pretty useful!

I wish we could see example test plans or ask winners if they could show their test plan (especially for these ones with a large applicant pool). For curiosity and a better understanding of what they are looking for.

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Anker Team mostly looks for diverse test plans, there is no fixed pattern… They may try to get a mix of testing plans… Some may mention testing with iPhone with Airpods for Wireless charging while some may mention Samsung S20 with Samsung earbuds and some may mention both with Soundcore earbuds :sunglasses:

It’s just some lucky people who strike winning plans :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:


If we applied to test the Powerhouse II in September do we need to resubmit to be eligible for the October testing group?

I don’t think a genuinely interested person needs any help with test plans, they’d know implicitly what they’d test.

Faker give-me-free (majority given the quantity of applications) would copy-paste any test plan as they don’t need the item and possibly can’t even use it.


I have a hard time picturing anyone in this day and age who couldn’t use either one at least occasionally. Power is important enough, and power outages common enough, that a big mobile battery is always handy for something.

It isn’t hard to come up with test plans, but clearly there is a point where all the applicants have comparable quality plans and they are just picking from a hat, or looking at some other factors.


I see your point. Was thinking of the opposite side of that. That if expectation of testing some items was testing voltage or something along those lines where special equipment is required, then I wouldn’t apply. Your point is more valid though as we can see with the amount of applicants for the items that have been advertised.

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How do they even copy test plans though? I thought those were private?

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They copy paste by a genuinely interested tester here sharing their test plan. The plan is a way to filter.

Among those genuine there will of course be a spectrum, and I’d hope Anker picks a varied set so we consumers then get a broad perspective.

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Ahhh gotcha. I think we could fix that easily and just simply say, don’t share test plans. That covers any sort of copycats out there. I think if you have to copy a test plan, you have no business testing anyway. But that’s also the tester in me coming out lol.

Getting chosen here is now harder than winning PB draws. :eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes:

Don’t get your hopes up, it was good while it lasted

Yeah, this feels less like a Testing Event and more like a Lottery now.


Not seen a test plan shared on Anker community in recent times, except for the Astro :rofl: , here and here

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Yes you would most likely need to unless stated otherwise…

I’ll probably get disqualified for how long my test plan is :rofl:

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Ok well to help any late applications here is the best wireless testing plan:

  • I will prepare the testing area by thoroughly cleaning in bleach.
  • I will unbox and place the packaging on a pink elephant, the pad on a blue elephant
  • I will pray to the god ShiZam and ask for the fastest possible charge
  • I will photograph the elephants
  • I will write up what the gods said to me.
  • I will then burn the Astro to the god ShiZam and report how bright it is. After all, it is a projector.

Please pick me for testing.


I will drink beer before testing!

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The Astro you’re testing, it’s meant for kids. Can’t you just get some children round and play them a video instead?


(and I know you’re joking… or are you…?)

I think that kids and old ones like me are much more closer in behavior and mind .
The elder you get the more you are really closer to young ones.

Apart from…
