We Love Testing | Upcoming Testing Events

From what i saw, there’s 1 every month so hoping they have something soon since we don’t have many days left in July

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You are right, there is something coming for the testing club :wink::wink:

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Nice! Would love to see what’s coming up

Hope @AnkerOfficial Pei will surprise us this time with one of the New Products for “We Live Testing event” :blush:

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Hope it will not be the “cable holder” where testers we will be allowed to put on it colors. :rofl:

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You know, the cable holder would be a good choice @Chiquinho
Or maybe they could be a community giveaway.
Buy a certain amount of cables and get a cable holder.
Like the the loyalty stickers in coffee shops.
What do you think to that @AnkerOfficial?


The GaN chips seem to be slightly more power efficient at 230V , so fingers crossed another UK Nano type.


But seriously, I am expecting a whole new family of chargers. A smaller 100W, a 85W, and much smaller 60W, 30W.

If they drift off from official Power Delivery standards they can make it smaller, e.g an 100W dual port becomes two 45W which must be 20V will probably work with most laptops. PD requires 45W to also offer 15V but I don’t know any laptops which would insist on 45W being 15V and refuse 20V.

I’m also expecting the current 20000 PD 18W to go to 30W (or nearly, say 27W).

Probably the chargers are the ones which need the most true testing as if they do drift off PD then they do want find what laptops don’t like it before too many sold so they can state it in the sales blurb.

But as the last testing was a charger, my best guess is it’s this next


Because it’s shipping and no reviews and testers would be expected to be gamers.

Thats true -> different cables and this holder.
This would be a nice and useful giveaway.

And one tester (selected by our old and well known friend “Random”)
will get a “golden cable” ! :rofl:


Now that would be nice.
I don’t think i would want to use a golden cable.
In sure I would leave it somewhere @Chiquinho

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Great, let’s hope it’s a good item :+1:


Im just excited for the day i receive my first item to test. Ive done prototype (alpha), and beta testing for numerous software and hardware projects. I love the Anker brand, its my usual go to for my cables and chargers.

If the item next , I can do a reasonable service to test, then I’ll apply.

I’m happy to not be selected, but I don’t like when non-genuine users are selected as then we’re deprived of a true test.

The random is too random, no filtering background to see if real, or even if they are separate people, at separate addresses. :frowning:

I haven’t applied for a We Love Testing since January, so it would be nice to see something that interests me this round!

Haven’t been selected since last June.

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I would love to see something nice and useful that they come up with soon. Mostly because the sooner they start, the sooner we get the product and start testing. With the semester starting soon, I would love to test and write review during my off time.

Have never been selected so would be nice to get picked for the first time :joy:

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I never will take part on these testings if I am not able to do a proper test.

Some “testers” are only greedy to get something free, not knowing what to do with it after
receiving -> Result : “Unpack test”


Last item - 18W PD charger - I own, applied
Before - 45W laptop DC cable- thought I did not own, did not apply (but subsequently found I did own)
Before - wireless pad - I did not own any wireless charging devices, did not apply.


But when you do, as I do, look at the reviews, or lack thereof, significantly there are those receiving testing units who either do nil testing, or just unbox and say vague “good”.



“I received the box but don’t know how to open . NEED HELP!” :rofl:


9 testers


4 reviews

And see this…


So someone:

  • did not know what they were applying for
  • applied for it, Anker agreed
  • could not even test it.

Point proved.

The error in this case I don’t fault the user, it looks like an insufficiently technical person, but their test plan, the lack of a “I’ll test using the MBP I own” is the gap in the selection decision making. I accept that these testing units cover a complex set of technologies, the user may not know it will not be a fit to their ability to test, so why Anker has the request to submit a test plan - the review of the test plan is the error trap, which fails. You then also have users simply lying, harder obviously for Anker to test, but in the last one, even there was an obvious disingenuous user.

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Exactly what I was thinking when I saw that not many testing results were posted on here. Checked and saw that I recognize only 3 people in the UK charger testing and there were a couple people who didn’t post their reviews yet

They dont have to post review here, they only have to go to the testing page and post the link.


Devil’s advocate is that you deliberately don’t want all community members as they want to touch the most diversity. For the last test, I was the first to review, but by the 4th review we had already a diverse and consistent combined view and so 15 all community reviews would probably do little additional. I don’t use Facebutt or Twittard so selecting people who do use those gives Anker the most product awareness benefits.

To test the humility, using a non-tracking search, I’m 5th.