Hey guys, cast a vote in the poll below for which color you want more Anker products to be made, and we can see what’s most wanted!
Maybe @AnkerOfficial will respond and make the most voted color more often?
Personally, I want to see more blue products.
What color do you want more of Anker’s products to be made in?
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue
- Purple
- Metallic Colors
- Multi-Colored
- Other
0 voters
Disclaimer: This is not an official poll made by @AnkerOfficial.
Comment down below which combination of colors you want if you voted multi-colored, which metallic color you want if you voted for it, or what color you want If voted other.
(Sorry I didn’t put pink, I asked a moderator if he could add it in the poll.)
Have fun!