Vote for the Name You Like Most šŸ˜Ž

Good detective work :face_with_monocle:! Always that one person who always tries to scam the system. I feel better I didnā€™t vote for them lol.


Looks like so :joy:

This poll is one of the factors strip team & I will use to make the final decision, so we donā€™t know yet lol.

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Whoever mentioned the name first will be the winner :wink:


Thank you for the clarification !! :raised_hands:

Are you creating so much attention via the email bombing and long competitions you are then unable to close out competitions? Victim of ambition?

Either get more volunteers (expensive) or run competitions for shorter (easy) or stop mail bombing everyone over weeks to bring them back (but then why does a community exist?). I suggest just run shorter competitions so got less to judge on. Running on for weeks is causing you too much effort, my suggestion.

Thereā€™s this naming one and then this one has still over a week to stay open, way way beyond reasonable time for anyone genuinely interested to apply.


I like anker guard.

Hey @AnkerOfficial , when is the poll closing out? I donā€™t think I missed a mentioned date. Was just curious of when our friend here will have a new name :smiley:

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The original competition was Sept 11th til Sept 18th.

Theyā€™re swamped, victims of their own success, with testing, competitions, then on a break.

Iā€™m not expecting anything to move forward til next week.

They are dipping in so not totally inactive.


My guess is once their holiday ends maybe a couple days after that if anything. Sure they are dipping in every now and then but probably just to make sure we havenā€™t destroyed the community :joy: hope everyone is having a great day

that may be true, but think about it from adminā€™s perspective. It may be required as part of the job to generate as much foot traffic as possible. Could be other people managing social media sites like Instagram for marketing and doing emails, I donā€™t think its just 1 personā€¦but I do agree with your point.

Anyhow, whatever theyā€™ve been doing is working quite well so far, but is this sustainable :thinking:

I think this is now the only outstanding need for @AnkerOfficial to make a selection.

The testers selected was the huge effort finished ahead of this.

Iā€™d expect the two winners announced here

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