Vertical Mouse $16.99


I have a cabled one in use since many years!

This is a must for all users!

ANKER of course

I started with such mice 10 yeas ago.
Quite expensive in those days, but I never regret.
All pains are gone, my old bones are fine!

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I never used one, but the design is definitely interesting

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Your wrist will thank you for using such a mouse.
I suppose you are young, but the diseases will shop up later.
Called RSI
I really know what I am speaking about
was nearly 50 years in computer business and I am still in a little bit! :smile:

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I think I’ll stick to regular mouses lol

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Good share @Mike246810
The ergonomic mouse is quite popular here.
@Chiquinho is a regular user :+1:t2:

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I’m trying one out at work and struggling.
But lets face it @ikari04warrior a computer mouse is such a regularly used device its a hard transition but probably one that worth while making.

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Takes a while.
But after that “while” you will never touch another one.
Do it Paul!

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I did not know they made one. I have another branded one right now. For anyone who spend hours at a spreadsheet, this is a godsend. I’m ordering this right now. I literally went and bought this right now.

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Dont forget a to use a mouse pad with a cushion for the wrist.
Makes the whole thing much better.


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I thinking I need to snag one for my work. Seen a couple have these already, and lots of positive feedback from you folk :thinking:

Nice share @Mike246810 thanks.

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Do it, its the best what you can do working with computers daily.!

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I am a couple of days in, I can attest that it felt natural rather quickly

After a few weeks a normal mouse is strange for the hapticity.

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Could not agree more, so long as you have the squishy mousepad for maximum comfort. :wink:

I dont know what kind of squishy “pad” you are using.

Oh this is awesome! I used to have an Evoluent vertical mouse and I loved it. I will need to check this one from Anker out. Love the design of it.