#UseAnkerInstead Anker cables!

So a few days ago I was using my wireless charger (not anker brand because it was a gift). I was having a few troubles with my cable.

The problems I had were two-fold. First off, the cords are just too thick and bulky.

This posed a problem, The cord is almost impossible to coil up. Another thing that makes thus difficult is there is no Velcro latch.

This is an example of me attempting to coil it.

I knew there had to be a better solution. That’s when my package showed up, and I remembered to #UseAnkerInstead!

I opened my package and found my new micro USB anker cable!

if you look closely at that picture you can see a Velcro latch This, and the fact that this cord is a thin, streamline design allowed me to coil it up very nicely This is far better than the non-anker cord :joy:. This cord (and other anker cords) has held up better than off-brand cords. I will be purchasing Anker Only Cords for now on.

Simply plugging these cords in feels better than off brand just because of the thin streamline design. I have been replacing all of my stock chargers with and one, and I recommend you do the same!

Next time you want a charging cable remember, #UseAnkerInstead!

Thank you for reading! I hope this helps you decide to buy an anker cable :wink:


Nice review and photos !

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Nice review!

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