USB-C for 12V 1.5A Heated Helmet Shield

Just curious if anyone here has messed around with powering a 12V @ approx 1.5A heated helmet shield (i.e for snowmobile, ATV, or motorcycle) via USB-C from a high capacity portable charger? Here, it’s almost a requirement to run a heated face shield in the winter, and the 12V RCA cable from the handlebars (on my ATV) to the helmet is pretty annoying (especially when you hit with your arm and unplug while driving, or completely forget when you get off). I’ve been thinking of trying to power my shield from a high capacity portable charger (I have several Anker units I already own), which I could have in an inside pocket inside my jacket, and then just the RCA cable up to the helmet from there, so that I’m completely self contained.

I bet if Anker actually produced a USB-C to RCA adapter, they’d certainly have a market for it (at least here in North America).
