USA: Have a 30% off code if anyone wants it

I got a code for 30% off any Anker / Soundcore products, cannot be combined with any offers / other discounts so only things list price.

Any member who I recognise (so interested, actually) PM me, we’ll chat and if see legit it’s yours.

I have all the Anker / Soundcore I need right now, I’ll take a free testing unit but otherwise I’m Anker’d out.

Hopefully the code is not tied to an account…


Nice one @professor
Thats mighty decent of you and hope it goes to a good home.


Pretty cool for you to give it away. Unfortunately I don’t need another speaker right now lol


What’s code

A post was merged into an existing topic: Spam Links / Accounts - ongoing

@ndalby @technicallywell

Spammer, copy paste they are about to edit to insert html with link.

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This link didn’t take me to anything useful to a domestic customer @margiepierce198521 :confounded:

Oh did they edit their post before Ryan spam removed?

You should never click on these links, the spammer is paid for clicks and so you just gave them a reason to do another.:crazy_face:

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