This robot uses UV light to kill coronavirus in under 5 minutes

Science is very wary that anything which makes people feel safe just makes them take more risks and nullify.

This should be additive but humans being what they are…



While this will help minimizing the spread, I doubt it will do 100% clean and even if you consider it does, a minute later the surfaces are contaminated again anyway.

UK is having a lot of internal debate, scientists and quacks, about how to get out of lockdown, we have cut the R0 to <1 so declining infected, hospital bed consumption well below capacity so we have headroom to do something a bit more relaxed, but exactly what…

One of the concerns is getting the just-right level of comfort in people. If people feel too safe they’ll stop sneezing into elbows / tissues, if they feel too unsafe they’ll stay home lose themselves in a bottle.

I’m for doing cleaning things but secretly so people still take hygiene and distance measures. An item like this would be good for office cleaners. What about these machines in shared office bathrooms to keep UV on all the taps, handles???

Robot goes around an office at night blasting the office with UV???

There’s lots of surfaces like coffee pots, kettles, shared machines, where it only takes one Covid Cougher to cause 20% of folk to their sickbed a week later.

interesting … thanks for sharing :clap::clap::clap: