The Community Christmas Countdown | 2 Giveaway Events Per Week!

So far, the list seems to be by number of :heart: given or received.

That doesn’t say you’ve been top 10 active, that says who is most popular. … I didn’t need any assistance to guess the top 5.

I think it should be on ACTIVITY. chats, topics, replies etc… That is what really counts, not a list on who is most popular!

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That’s probably the worst suggestion I have ever heard. If it was based on activity The Forum would be full of spam.


Haha oh man I do love that movie. Could it be something they have spent the year calculating separately, like top 10 helpers who have made their lives a little easier?

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That would be cool but hard and time consuming to calculate. All of this is assuming that there will be holiday mystery boxes near the end of the year for top contributors. I was completely blown away last year when I received one and I would prefer not knowing whether or not there will be boxes this year and get that same feeling.


Basing someone’s hard work, on how popular someone is not fair, as obvs some are far more popular than others, but may not have worked as hard.

The way it is now, it’s the popular ones being rewarded for being popular! Which of course you got no problem with that method.

This is a community forum so the most objective measure is likes as… errm… you know… you helped the most.

Objective is not one view of oneself.


You’re not.listening,

Leaving g it down to just likes, makes it a popularity contest.

I’ve helped plenty of people out, I’ve not received one like for. Although there are others who come along after I’ve helped, and get all the likes… Meaning in your thinking, I didnt do anything… Sometimes I wonder why I help… But I do anyways, it’s who I am.

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I think likes is probably the best possible measure in this community as it indicates how helpful your comments are to the members. I agree that popularity helps and there is nothing wrong with that because people have worked hard to be popular :thumbsup:

A couple of suggestions I have is :

  1. @AnkerOfficial should also see who are the people actually helping others by providing advice/feedback, being happy for others and not just here for Freebies or crying when not winning, negative tone of the msgs, spreading negativity for whatever reason.
  2. People should have a balance of likes received and likes given… Let us spread the appreciation (by liking other’s posts) and not just collect all the appreciation from others.

I know I am not in top 10 and that is ok because people who are there deserve to be there… i will continue to work hard :slight_smile:


I would only be disappointed if I didn’t win any of the Christmas contests, since I didn’t win the one on my birthday. AKA I would love an #Anker Birthday/Christmas present!

yea, downside to that are all the noobs who can and would get a prize even tho all they did was sign up and nothing more, I would go off of a reasonable user level 5-7 and up maybe…

I do not think they mean who has the most points and whatnot over all, I think they mean who has been a motivated and helpful member of the community in other ways then sends likes, or all the crap on that page, if they do by that, then it’s stupid because anyone can just log on and like every comment, post random anything. So @AnkerOfficial I really hope that’s NOT how you guys decide.

Boom, my man nails it! My point exactly!

no it would not necessarily. It’s easy to tell the crap from the people who actually love this company, add on how many friends they referred or something like that, no I def think @amangons has the right idea

That is the WORST idea ever. Likes determining how well one contributes, come on, I could spam every forum topic on the site and like all my own stuff and everyone else’s, if someone were so inclined they could have a friend use thier own account to log on and LIKE all of your stuff, NO, LIKES are the Worst way to determine it.

But let’s be real, the top 5 who are consistent in each of those list are active and do everything to help others so in all aspects those are well deserved


OK so maybe it has SOME bearing on their activity, but it should not be the defining factor, at all. I mean seriously, there are days when I just do not have time to spend on the forum, even tho its my Chrome Homepage, I want to, but I have things going on that do not allow me the time to, post on the forum about every little thing anker related, “LIKE” everyone’s comments, get to read all the unread posts AND response where and when necessary, therefore to get more likes myself. Sure if #Anker was paying me for time spent on the forum I would be on here all day, but my job never has been and never will be one spent sitting in front of a computer, so that during work I may find time to check the forum. And what if I just don’t have anything to say…I mean

So here is something that should be taken into account, amount of time being a forum member and how much they have done in that time. For instance, there are a bunch of people on here who have higher levels, more likes, posts, posts viewed etc. than I do, but they have also been members much much longer, so the ratio of activity to time being a member should play a part, or why not just start spam posting and getting a friend to like it all, while “viewing” as many posts as you can. That part of the system can be played, but what I am talking about can not.

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If I would count the FAQ’s I answered at about “our products” regarding the time I spend I would be the " The king of the mystery boxes" :joy: :joy:

Enjoy Christmas Jesse!

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I’ve never been a yes man or a people pleaser, but I answer a hell of a lot of questions on here, turn one of the popular ones comes along, says what I said, AFTER ME, and cos it’s from “them” they get a like.

So, as I said, likes is not completely a fair way of judging ones work or helpfulness… Especially when they just come n comment hours after you but get “the glory” (so to speak).

As for whining, I don’t do it cos I didn’t win, I just happen to notice the flaw. Plus its easy to call someone a whiner, when you get lots of stuff… Perhaps in your great intelligence, THINK… Was this the right n deserved outcome? Of course, that would mean not thinking about yourself.

As I don’t mention stuff, just about me… But then you’d have to.actually read what I write to notice that, instead of just gleaming and scanning what’s written!


I’m here for the craic to be honest, I do enjoy reading about upcoming tech and innovations from a company I appreciate and promote to friends and family. But I also like the fact that it’s a place where we can also discuss random topics. This may be due to the fact I don’t have the same technical knowledge as some but I think that’s a good thing as not everyone does so sometimes giving help in layman’s terms is better.

Yes there is the element of winning “prizes” but like I’ve said before I don’t expect anything so I’m never disappointed.

Seems like people are “heated” (used this term as I couldn’t think of an appropriate word) at the thought of other people getting “mystery boxes” like was given out last year - but that was down to those at Anker’s discretion. That doesn’t mean that the same will happen this year so there’s no point worrying about it.