It is purely business. Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook and Reddit are all highly traffic driven sites (as we all know). This is a small community site that has a core base of people and although they try to expand it further by way of giveaways and what not, I can only imagine how many people sign up and never come back again. There is a large drive for a week/month and then nothing. I doubt a large piece even go further than the contest page alone.
Now look at TikTok. They have over 200m views and 50m on #Anker alone. It is a HUGE driving force for them. Prior to TikTok’s rise to fame, this was the place to go to get all the info and support you needed. But that only hits a small portion of the target audience. We are the die hard, use no other, speak no ill will, been here since the onset of population. We have no offering for them to bring to the table. Sure we help out the occasional traveler who needs it, but when contests do not draw as much traffic as they want, or announcement, or anything for that matter, what is the point (business wise) to pump money into a community of people like that. That is why the constant chatter from admins and @AnkerOfficial has ceased, that is why the power draws are never there, that is why people get silenced for readily available information, and that is why more and more people are distancing themselves and not posting/caring to any extent. We didn’t kill this community, they did. Not intentionally, just slowly and methodically as to just have it be that part that still exists, but the one you on to make sure it is behaving.
I get it, I truly do. A business is a business, money is money, fans are fans, but the way they took to doing so is the crap part. Let us know you are taking a step back to focus on other ventures. We are right there rooting for you all the way. But when it is like a bad date and we get ghosted, it stings a little. Sure I’m going to keep using their products, because frankly I prefer them and they are some of the best. But give us a little bit of comfort to be able to discuss what we want with a group of people who have similar interest. That’s it. That’s all we want. Ban people for spamming random crap, do it for the blatant TOS violations, but if you really want people to give a shit about anything, make it transparent already. “This is a reminder to follow the TOS” COOL, WE HAVE QUESTIONS AS TO WHAT WE CAN AND CANNOT DO.
Clearly Reddit has things that are not announced yet, and they have the ability to stop it. One simple message to their admin team and the entire thing will be suspended or locked down. They know this. They are a multi national company with years of online experience. They know it. Do they stop it? No. Do they stop people here from doing the same thing? (Seriously though, if you guys want any information about anything coming up, just look at their subreddit)
Sorry for the long rant. I just have seen this place go from a happy interactive place to one where you need to walk on eggshells.