Stereo Sound?

Will 2 Flare 2 speakers separate the sound into left and right channels?

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Hey @kueb
Pairing 2 Flare 2 speakers will give you stereo sound.
Have a great day.

Are you sure? It’s Partycast not TWS.


Right, or wrong i went from this,

A user’s experience I add more weight than an Amazon listing

It was being planned in May. I’ve not seen a newer feedback saying its yet implemented. I’m not seeing upgraded words of manual dated after May.

So I think the answer is no.

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As far I see Flare 2 has this Partycast only.
Flare +, Flare and Flare mini real got this real stereo mode.
when 2 speakers are connected.

I use two normal Flares in that stereo mode.
Works perfectly.

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Another listing error then @professor
Unless there has been an update.

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We were talking about that at soundcore’s speaker forum.
We got it there perfectly clear.
The differences between “Stereo pairing and Partycast”

Very sunny and warm here! Great.
Will be out to do some garden works this afternoon soon.

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Dear All,

Not to create a separate thread I decided to continue this one,
I have a Soundcore Mini 3 Pro which is a great little speaker standalone,
before I buy another one to create a stereo pair please let me know if it would the real stereo? TWS?
Or just Dual Mono, PartCast?

Thank you!