Soundcore Q45 won’t open

I just bought my Soundcore space Q45 headphones and for the past week it is working pretty fine. However yesterday, I tried pressing the power button but it won’t start/open. No blinking lights and no sounds.

I tried it on wire on my PC and it is working. But not on wireless.

I tried the troubleshooting (press all button) and press power and up volume but it won’t restart nor open.

I tried charging it for hours, the light indicator just went red. PLEASE HELP JUJUJU

Did you ever find a fix for this?

Yes I have, It was a long process though.

First I brought it to an official Anker story near my place and they were convinced that the item was defective. And asked for warranty documents for them to replace it.

After few day I contacted Anker official email and they immediately responded saying “You just need to charge the headphone for more than 24 hour straight regardless what color the light indicator is.”

And yes it worked after that, the headphone is now turning on. Hope for this info be helpful to someone who has/will encounter the same problem I had.

Okay, thank you.
Currently having the exact same problem with mine.
I’ll do just that and hope mine eventually comes back up

I have charged it for more than 24 hrs, nothing happens. Now the red light turns on for short period rather than b4. This would be the last attemp to leave it on charging for a week. If this doesn’t work than I have just wasted money on pathetic instrument and company.

Try a different cable (charger) and clean the sockets of charger and headphone.
From time to time these need cleaning from debris.