So a while back I bought the awesome Baker Soundcore Life P2 Bluetooth earpbuds but I have managed to loose the left earbud, I only have the Right earbud and the charge case left, (I have looked everywhere) my question is, can I purchase just a replacement left earbud and be able to pair it with the remaining Right bud e.g reset and re-pair them OR do I need to pony up again for a new set? I was thinking to upgrade to the Soundcore Liberty Neo or Zolo Liberty as I loved the sound quality of my Life P2’s. I love the 2 Flare Minis when paired in Stereo and my Soundcore 2 is still going despite having a less than optimal battery life now. Is the Soundcore Boost an upgrade given it’s not BT5.0 or IPX7
Soundcore Life P2 problems...
I’m not 100% sure about this but it is possible that Life P2 only pairs to the earbud it comes with from factory. I think @AnkerOfficial can correct me if I’m wrong.
If I am wrong, then you can try to find a left earbud somewhere if there’s someone out there if only left earbud since Soundcore doesn’t sell single earbuds.
Idk if Liberty Neo or Zolo Liberty would be an upgrade since they aren’t new ones but there are several others you can buy depending on which country you’re in. Boost could be seen as an upgrade to Soundcore 2 if you just care for better sound quality.
If you are willing to wait, then keep an eye out here since there are couple speakers in the pipeline for Soundcore and some here will provide an update for those
As far as I know they won’t sell you just one single earbud. You’ll have to buy the pair
Anker does not sell single earbuds
Also you can only use the eardbuds that came with your case. Trust me, I tried…
In case you are interested in selling our case, I would be highly interested because I lost my case to my earbuds and can’t charge them
What do you think?
Those who lost their buds can sell their cases to those who lost their cases.
I like the LP2 as they cost me only £35 and so if I lose something I only wasted £35.
I did buy two LP2 so when either complete set becomes partial then we can borrow from the other set. I know I’m a flawed human who can lose things so I mitigate my known weakness with purchase decisions.
There’s reasons my most expensive audio is overear and I never buy the Liberty Pro etc and turn > £35 into a brick by being human.
Thanks for the advice!
I am scanning eBay since a month but unfortunately, I have not found 1 single auction where only the case is being sold. But I keep looking and I will try my luck within the Anker Community!