Roav Viva - Google Assistant?

Was interested to find out if Roav Viva would ever support Google Assistant?

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Highly doubt it

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Yeah, Google has very different requirements for smart devices. Anker was able to make the Zolo Mojo, but I’m not certain they’ll make other Google Assistant devices. The main reason I see for that is the market dominance that Amazon has in Alexa. There are many more homes with Alexa than Google Assistant for that matter. People are fairly likely to stay with what they have rather than venture out into an new area.

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I find it unlikely as in the US alone Amazon has around 70% of the market share with the echo, whereas Google has just 24% of the US market with their home smart device.


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In order to make a google device you would have to build one without alexa. Those two are fire and ice right now, doubt both UI’s could be loaded without one complaining pretty hard.

Solution? Make your own that runs both😀


this looks awesome!


I love the fact that Amazon allows alexa to be open sourced so that you can install it on your own devices (Eufy Genie) It looks like Google allows you to do the same thing. Makes me want to bust out my old Raspberry Pi and start tinkering.