Asked this question on a deal thread, probably more suitable here.
I see the pictures of the app you posted; do they do a good job of showing your data over time, with adjustable ranges / scales, etc? I’ve used a competitor’s version, and their app is not ideal - it stores the data, but the viewing options aren’t great. Your screenshots look a little shinier but functionally similar to their app.
Will it sync easily / well with MFP or Runkeeper? My other app can sync with google fit, but not a whole lot of others, and tends to leave double entries in fit. Which google provides no way to delete, you can only change the two separate ones to match, not ideal.
I am also skeptical of the science behind consumer grade versions of these in general - my weight will fluctuate daily based on hydration levels / deficit eating, etc. And the one I have will show my body fat jumping around from day to day, instead of just being a change in water weight (which is basically all you will see move by more than a few ounces from one day to the next).
Does this one do the same thing? Based on your last screenshot, I think the answer is yes - it appears that you have a .9% change in body fat in consecutive measurements, which is clearly not possible unless they are quite far apart in time. And that looks like less than 1lb of weight loss between them if I am doing my conversions right.
Tagging @Eins7ein here as well, expressed interest in the first thread I asked in…