Review: Anker PowerExtend 12 Strip

Power strips are supposed to be messy, not clean and be fully functional in providing enough power to all of my devices. The PowerExtend 12 fulfills that under my desk in the home office. Comes with an attached heavy gauge 6 foot cable, 45 degree plug, Velcro strap, User Guide & 18 Month Warranty.

I went from 6 outlets to 12 spaced out outlets with this upgrade (with room to spare). Great for large power bricks. Rated at 1875W, it has Dual Surge Protection (4000 Joules) and Ground Protection. It’s made of heavy duty flame retardant housing and has embedded wall mounting holes to mount to walls or under a desk/cabinet. I’m using it in an encased box which is meant to keep cables out of sight.

Professor had asked for a tear-down but I don’t want to open up this unit, as I will definitely need to keep using it as my main power source under my desk. The advantage of this power strip is the spacing between the outlets. Kudos Anker. Recommended.



Nice wood in the table.

Reminder that the power input is AC, and that any coiled AC wire will act as an inductor and so act as a resistor. That coil of AC wire on the upper left. Wrong, its two core so the two wires cancel each other out. I double checked.

Yes we know there’s little to review, and who’d want to ruin a $30 free item. Enjoy!


Nice review and wood table like Professor said. Enjoy your powerstrip :+1:

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Nice review and great shots :ok_hand:

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Excellent review, that’s a big powerstrip!

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Excellent pictures! I like the idea of hiding it away in the box.

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Great review @Dez_S
Love the pictures.

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So you’d recommend uncoiling the wires? I do it to conceal them. It’s a mess under the desk.

So I did some reading up, as this is two-core wire, you cannot get induction resistance as the two magnetic fields are in opposite direction and cancel. But you do have heat from proximity.

I’d run it at full load and feel for heat. If you feel heat, as heat causes increased resistance, you can get a runaway heating effect and cause a fire.

If it feels cool then you’re fine, but it if feels warm in the coiled wire, you’re putting yourself at some risk of house fire. It being under wood means there’s plenty of fuel if it ever did get hot.

If it does feel warm, I’d just coil it less densely and see if that removes the heat. If that doesn’t reduce the heat then rethink if all this wiring in a box is a good idea.

This image is prompting in me a fire hazard, you have it upside in a tray, heat is being trapped there, with a tightly coiled wire, under wood.

And you’re putting a lid on it to trap heat in?

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Great review and pictures!! :clap::clap::clap:


Wow you have a mighty clean desk and setup. Thanks for the quick review! Wait until you see my mess.

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Yes, a lid.
I just checked my set up. No heat. No warmth. Just room temperature or cool. I’ve had this setup for years without issue. I just have a much larger Anker strip in there now.

Again, to cover those unsightly cables under a desk.

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Thanks. It’s actually a wooden chest:

Thanks guys :slight_smile:

I have that one under my desk and a smaller on in the living room to keep the cables tidy. Thank you.

Thanks guys :wave:t4:


It’s not that clean, just a little bit organized :smiley:

I was always looking forward to seeing your photos :laughing:
Nice photos and awesome review as usual!


Nice photos Dez, I like that for cable management

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Great review and photos!

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Thank you and thanks for making yet another quality product.

Thanks. The cable management works for me.

:hugs: thanks