[PowerPort +1] (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077HFFLMS?&_encoding=UTF8&tag=nl_180222_qc_eng-20&wallcharger=1&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWldRNU9EQXdNMlE0TW1OaCIsInQiOiJzQ0VMZEVpMU1kUktkdTRZcDFoZG1qU2hnNElJSWZtbE5xVHU3SXd3OE5SOGZTZjQ2N2FCRHlzczU3eFwvbHNHUnp1aUF4ZDdxazRuXC9vQjBDTWFhWHNsQUo2bTk5NFk0aXoyOFRBU3ZzbE5RU3RpSVlVUDZsWXNmRU1MZ1o0dVQ0In0%3D)
PowerPort Speed 4
Quick charge charging ports on sale
What’s the difference between that powerport+1 and the one listed on Anker’s website? It has no reviews on amazon
It’s the newer revised version of it, hence why no rounded sides
@AnkerOfficial Is it true that this discounted fast charger is the newer version than the one on the anker website?
I prefer the rounded sides.
I see that the PowerPort Speed 5 is on there, but it only has one QC3 port on it. I can’t find any information about this (newer?) (less capable?) PowerPort Speed 5?
Nothing really makes this less capable than the ithers, sure it has only 1 quick charge port. But, that my friend is what powe iq is for as it will regulate and provide the fastest charge possible.
except, you know, the 10ish less watts of power output capability from the 63w model and the ability to use qc3 on two ports instead of one…