PowerDraw Winner Anouncement (Weekly updates)

Congrats to the winners this week :tada:

(If you see this lol)

Had my eye on that PowerCore, but didn’t want to deplete my Bucks. Congrats on winning it, @Matthew_Wright1, and @leletto93 & @Rob_McJannett, too


Congrats to the winners.

You might have gone all in, but at least you still have over 1200 bucks left to use.

Congrats to this week’s winners

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Let this be a lesson… If you’ve won recently, you RARELY win quickly after.

I sort of.fancied the Q, but knew I’d won big recently, plus had a PD not long ago, so would have been daft of me to try!

Yes. No grudges at all. I tried. I am still happy after winng 2nd anniversary giveaway.

Happy for other winners. :slight_smile:

Maybe my friend but it was tough to just watch from the sidelines and not try my luck :slight_smile:

I know but there’s always next week… And as they keep telling me… It might be your bucks, but they are free! lol

I’m the same, shouting n swearing if I lose. Hehehe :crazy_face:

Yes the bucks are free and we will earn more with time. :slight_smile:

Careful there, logic error. Random means random. There is no causal link from the past to the future.

Correct our chances are low. Equally low. Regardless of if we won recently.


Logic is correct.

If past experience says, you don’t win 2 weeks in a row. Then logic dictates, you won’t win 2 in a row.

On this logic, I said, you RARELY win QUICKLY.

How, is this bad logic?

Basic logic
If you walk along the street (sidewalk) and spot three people wearing all blue denim, with blue eyes and blonde hair.

Logic says the next person wearing all blue denim, will also have blue eyes n blonde hair.

Logic is in itself, illogical‽

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You’re confusing AND with OR.

Dumb this down to tossing a coin to make it heads/tails just 2 states to keep it simple and assume the coin is perfectly balanced and will give 50/50 chance of either heads or tails. Say you verified that by tossing it 1000 times and it came up 500 heads, 500 tails before you did this thought experiment.

Say you are wanting it to be heads (Amangons wins) but not tails (Amangon does not win).
So at the first toss you got 1:2 chance, 50% chance of winning, as its either 1 head or 1 tail. That was my point, the chance of winning next it exactly the same no matter what was the past.
So then toss the coin the 2nd time. I am making the point the chance of it being heads is still 1:2 so your chance of being a head next is same chance every single time. If you tossed the coin and it came up heads once but then 999 times it came up tails you’d think the coin not random.

You’re making a different point, the chance of being heads twice in a row.
So the first toss is heads or tails.
The 2nd toss can be heads or tails.
So there are 4 possible sequences: H T, H H, T H, T T, so the chance of 2 heads in a row is 1:4. So the chance of a specific pattern, say 2 consequtive, goes DOWN over time. But you cannot extrapolate assuming random.
Say you looking for 2 heads in a row with 3 tosses, there are:
In that example you had 3 HH in 8 as its an OR operation as that as more times in a long sequence for a subset to appear
But if you said 3 heads in a row it only has 1:8 chance.

You’re making that 2 tosses error, saying that because 1:4 is less than 1:2 the chances of you winning goes down over time.

The chance of two rare events in Powercore happening next to each other is low, but the chance of you winning in any particular week is the same within the simple example.

To increase your chances you’d need to bid more often on items with few entries.

I’m not sure if anyone has an answer, but I won a drawing on October 27th, but haven’t received an email yet. Should I be contacting someone here?

You should have had gotten the email a long time ago, usually within a week. It often gets sent to your spam folder if it’s not in your inbox. Take a look and see if u find it, it may be too late to claim your prize, though you may message marketing@anker.com

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Sorry, I actually claimed the prize. Just haven’t seen anything about it being shipped.

Sometimes you will get a shipped email and other times you don’t. For me it has been about a 50/50 chance. I win twice and the first time I didn’t get a shipped email but the second time I did.
But if you haven’t seen anything yet I would message marketing@anker.com because it could have been out of stock where you live, in which case they would have to put the order in again when it’s available

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Everyone knows coin toss is not 50/50

If.you look up my example of logic, which was as basic as I could keep it for you.

I didn’t need a load of math equations n waffle to explain it.

As I said, and repeat, logic in its purest form is illogical

And to repeat my FIRST reply

You RARELY win so quickly.

I didn’t say it’s impossible, or you never win quickly, I said RARELY.

Congratulations winners! :gift:


Looks like it’ll be another week of saving my Bucks. Good luck to everyone who enters this week!

Good luck for all participants :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::ok_hand: