PowerDraw Winner Anouncement (Weekly updates)

Nope, never. lol

Lol I never seen it spelled like that. But I’ve seen dayum.

For the curious

I still haven’t received the product I won, is this normal in your opinion? He had to arrive by the end of June but nothing.

Congrats to this weeks winners :ok_hand:

@apsavarese SoundCore Flare
@selena.shen0 Phone Pouch
@rohanjcp Spirit X

Might be this week.:wink:


Congrats last week winners, enjoy your prizes! :ok_hand:

Auction sounds interesting !!! :ok_hand:

Congratulations to this week’s winners :clap:

@rohanjcp Spirit X
@apsavarese SoundCore Flare
@selena.shen0 Phone Pouch

Congrats to the winners! :tada:

I had 20 votes out of the 61 and I still didn’t fucking get it

What have I got to do @AnkerOfficial?

Makes ya want to give in


Let us hope Anker has Soundcore Flare for the Auction :wink: and you can and will definitely win it this time :+1:

Congrats to all the winners!!!

Maybe try not swearing :man_shrugging:t2: Just an observation


If there is an auction on the FLARE you might bribe all of us.
But how Mac?

I really don’t know Franz.

Nope, nothing to do with that. I only swore due to being robbed.

I lost to a :ghost:

Winner has a pic and is a poweruser. Not much active otherwise since last 3 years.

Congrats winners, :+1:
@rohanjcp Spirit X
@apsavarese SoundCore Flare
@selena.shen0 Phone Pouch
Don’t know/see any of you on the community but enjoy the prize and hope you will contribute

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Omg that’s so unlucky

Congrats winners!

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