The power conference has been great, from the pictures below, I mounted my power conference with some 3M tabs (thank you Ez-Pass) on both my monitor’s frame and on the device itself. It’s removable for portability and I can re-attach it at any time if I need to head to the office after corona virus is over
I can hear my co workers talk clearly, in fact it’s even better than my Jabra pro
LED Lights
The blue LEDs light up to indicate the direction where sound is coming from, you can see from the picture, I snap my fingers on the right and the right LEDs light up. If multiple people, one on the left side and one on the right, the LEDs will react to that as well which is pretty cool indicator to show you what is being picked up by the microphones and what isn’t.
The lights are very responsive as well!
Thanks for the read!
Here’s a video of my testing the responsiveness!