OMFG! Anker’s Reddit

Can someone please either constantly post a link on Reddit to this Forum or @AnkerOfficial can you get a dedicated rep for it, this is get ridiculous.


Whats going on? Your picture is broken

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Link the Reddit post you are referring to and the issue. We cannot see your pic @Chris_Renshaw

May be putting a link might help. Btw Reddit was offline yesterday

What happened on reddit??? Not really sure what you’re talking about man

8 hours later and we still can’t see the picture

Yeah, your picture isn’t working. However this community is way better than the anker subreddit and someone should be listening a link all the time.

I checked r/anker an didnt see anything amiss.

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Exactly, I checked also and didn’t see anything amiss.

It may have not been allowed or it didn’t upload. Basically it was several ridiculous questions. I tried helping and they just argue. So I eventually send a link to this forum.

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Oh probably just Reddit trolls :rolling_eyes:

Remember not to feed them. Or look them in the eye.

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No they are really asking. Check the sub! The questions are ridiculous. And no comments aka no one helping them.

Like this guy asking if wall outlets have trickle charge or why trickle charge is even a feature. I gave up. Go ahead and burn out your lithium ion batteries in all your expensive devices then, I tried.

you did good.

Ha ha thats the funny one :grinning:

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Next time screenshot it

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