Notice Something New in the Breadcrumbs Up Top?

Did you notice some missing links? Testing Club and Power Reviews links have been removed.


Because we’re evaluating the programs and figuring out our next best steps.

Will we have a testing program? I hope so!

Will we have rewards? Definitely! Will they be Power Bucks? Maybe!

Will we allow you to redeem the PowerBucks in the future? Absolutely. When and how that will work exactly, I don’t know.

If I am so uncertain about the future of these programs, why did I remove the links? It’s not a good experience for new community members to come to our site and see programs that we’re not currently supporting.

Do you have ideas or comments or feedback for me on what you want to see in these programs? I’m open to connect and hear from you – email or make a comment on this post.

Thanks for being a part of the community, riding out these changes with us. Our goal is to create a connected community that’s rewarding (in every sense of the word) to be a part of.

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