NEW Spirit Dot 2 | Get Moving For Just $1


Hey Anker Fans,

As you may know Soundcore is releasing new workout earbuds, so to celebrate we’ve got an exclusive event for you! Want to get yourself a pair of Spirit Dot 2 earbuds for just $1? Of course you do! Here’s how you enter:

  1. Head over to the event page here.
  2. Enter your email address.

We’ll randomly choose 50 people to receive an exclusive code to buy Spirit Dot 2 for just $1/£1/1€. Also, an additional 150 entrants will receive a 30% off code :blush:. You’ll get one chance to win when you initially enter, and by sharing the event on social media you can get extra chances.

If you want to find out more, check out the full rules over at the event page.

Good luck!


This event is open to US, UK and Germany guys! :wink::wink::wink:

Take part to win!


Great giveaway @AnkerOfficial :clap: :clap:

Best of luck to everyone participating in this event

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Nice!!! Good luck to everyone!

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I supposed yesterday there is a 1 Dollar note left here somewhere.
But if I dont need I will not start a big search! :smile:


Sweet deal!

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Cool, great offer @AnkerOfficial
Ill be heading over to check the rules shortly!
Best of luck everyone!

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Seems like someone at Anker gave this $1 idea to Soundcore … :wink:

remember this one :point_down:


Good luck to everyone!

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@AnkerOfficial I’m a little concerned that if I get these earbuds I will get blue lightning streaks and look like an Avenger.
Is that a standard feature, or one that can be turned off and on? :rofl:


Nice just signed up :+1:

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Another great giveaway !! Thanks @AnkerOfficial
Good luck everyone :+1:

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Hope you will not get as much “photoshopped” as the young lady, Paul!


I showed the Web page to Debs and said “look at those, they are an amazing pair”
Typically she didn’t think i was looking at the earbuds, and gave a groan of disappointment :rofl:


What the photo doesn’t show is if a user actually ran that far they’d have the buds fall out in seconds.

Running in this would be more accurate.


Are the Neos generally poor fitting @professor?
Or do you have Spock ears? :ear:t2::eyes:

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Good luck everyone :slight_smile:

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I keep my Neo in the house so when they fall out they can’t get into trouble. The Life P2 fair better.

The wired Slim fair even better, both stay in ear better and if they fall its only to the neck.

I suggest wired for sports, wireless for sitting or walking.

I think its a mix of wireless have more in your ear so gravity tugs more, and they wider so fit less well.

My ears are perfectly normal, we all look the same, right?



I hope some from the community can get to take part in this. Good giveaway, always loved the $1 testing program