New Roav DashCam A1


If they keep refreshing dash cams at such a rate, it’s gonna end up as saturated as the PowerCore section :smile:

Update: further checking and the manual is listed as a C2, with the specs being identical to the original C1…ain’t FCC submissions great :laughing:

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Maybe I’ll finally get one, but I’d rather win an old stock item

Also note the car charger. It’s a new one from Roav, not Anker.

Roav Support also told me a C2 Pro would be coming in the near future.

Just realized this looks like the recent one but includes wifi

It looks a lot like the Yi Smart Dash Cam. Well… I guess a dash cam is a dash cam right.

Surprised you had to ask, C1, C1 Pro, C2…I’m seeing a pattern :smile:

C1 Pro still seems to be the best overall, right?

On image quality, spec-wise, yes. But the C2 has a better temperature range - and the suction mount option the C1 lacks.

The A1 has the same temperature range as the C2 - and the specs seem to be a mix of the C1 and the C2. I wonder if this will be a cheaper model than the C2.

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I wonder if that lens housing is a heat sink :thinking:

hope it doesn’t stick out too much and hit the windshield.

Does that big lens relate to the 145 deg field?

Will there be a rear view as a kit with the front view?

Interesting. It’s beginning to look more like a point and shoot camera. I think I prefer the look of the C1 and C1 Pro. I like how I can change the direction of the camera (up or down) on my C1. And the C1 is stealthier. Guess I’ll have to see if Roav/Anker can make me change my mind when this one comes out. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Is this the one from the giveaway earlier?

No, the power draws have only had the C1

Does A1 go before C1 :joy:

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Looks good I figured they might release a pro version. It looks like I jumped the gun. I didn’t think no WiFi wouldn’t be an issue but there has been a couple of WTF moments when a driver did something stupid and I really wanted to share it.

So Roav seems to be pushing night vision with this one.

$12 off with code RVA1DEDM

Only $46 with code BESTCAMA

Reddot design award.

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