[New Release] PowerPort Atom III 63W Slim Now Available!

Thanks for the heads-up @Insider

anyone planning on PowerPort III 63W Slim should wait for sometime to overcome that shipping fee :grimacing:


Thanks for the update I’m going to wait a little cause I have a feeling it will go on sale in a little and that’s probably when I’ll jump on it

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It’s often like this at the start, just wait, usually only days.

Free shipping and 18% discount is usually within 2 weeks and sometimes just a day’s wait. I think it’s related to Fulfilled by Amazon FBA warehouse stocks, just wait for the shipping to FBA.


Thanks @Insider
And for those that may have missed it, it landed on Amazon.co.uk recently too.


Good catch… Heads-up for UK folks!


Anyone else recently see this product jump up in price or just me

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I recommend taking screenshot to track actual. You can auto backup screenshots in Google photos. RRP is not a fixed number.

I actually want this product, my experience 2 weeks ago in hospital just added a reason where a desk charger solves robustly a common need of tablet+phone+Powercore+buds where the socket is far away. A 5ft C8 cord and a 6ft USB-C cable gets me to 11ft, and I found I was still using Powercore to robustly handle no power, so two 18W USBC ports.

I noticed it has not been discounted whatsoever, implying it is has a low supply/demand ratio, it has been in stock for next-day delivery and no reviews, implying low stocks. Typically I’d expect 18% discount in first couple of weeks, not yet. Supply just needs to wait for a factory to make a big batch and then ship to FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) warehouse to then permit the discount.

Manufacturing capacity issue? Just wait…

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