New Power user here from the UK, any tips on how best to use it and how to help Anker?
Is there any times I should be checking for new items to test, or is it super random?
New Power user here from the UK, any tips on how best to use it and how to help Anker?
Is there any times I should be checking for new items to test, or is it super random?
When directing questions/suggestions to Anker, use @AnkerOfficial tag in your post.
The best way to help Anker is to help them make more money
I remember back in the early days of them running web-based contests and their site would go down quickly. I had suggested to them that they should use cloud services for auto scaling and they thanked me for it.
Check every now and then your PU page, to be sure not to miss the good deals when they are made available
And then, write an honest and descriptive review, that you can post here for us to enjoy !
Welcome aboard !
Want to know how to write a review? There are so many good reviews posted by our forum members, you can use search function to find that! Also any problems related to PU, you can send an email to marketing@anker.com, my colleague rosa will help you solve it!
Rosa is the girl to know !
Yep Rosa is the one you’ll be chatting with a lot while being a part of this program. All I can say is write quality reviews. If you don’t like something about a product, don’t be afraid to voice your opinion. Anker is really good about listening to any feedback that you might have. Likewise, if you love something about a product, highlight it in your review. And if you end up getting a defective product make sure you contact Rosa before posting a review. ^-^
I wonder if “Rosa” is the name of all CS Reps @ Anker. Kinda like “Negan” in you-know-what-TV-show
It’s even more funny to me because I had that thought a few weeks ago. XD
@cdarienzo1 @IRNinjaz1 @iroast, Rosa is a beautiful girl and she is my colleague who mainly responsible for PU program.
I believe you! I was just being a goofball!