New look forum

Can’t seem to get that link on mobile. not sure if I’m just being dull

We should not start a competition about the largest… emoji! :joy:

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After using the community for last 5 days, I’m unfortunately not liking the new upgrades :sleepy:
One great thing that happened with the upgrade is ability to keep logged in from multiple devices but other than that most of the other upgrades are meh :sleeping:
Text font has become weird (possibly smaller). There is too much of inclusion that makes the whole site very busy. I like the minimalist design…
The new point system is poorly implemented. You will earn less points with equal participation as before but you will end up spending the same amount or more for playing in powerdraw???
These might be my personal perceptions but overall, I get less excited now to come to this forum everyday :thinking:

I’ve sussed it on mobile too. Just force touch the emoji to get the link (from the preview)

Not sure if this is possible but.
When you hit the emoji button in the new post box, please can the focus be in the search box? So, if you need to search you can just start typing without having to click on the search box.

If you just want to select a recent or other emoji you can also select from the emoji picker in front of you.

So happy dark mode is working now! :smile: :last_quarter_moon_with_face:
If anyone else wants to set this up:

  1. Click your icon in the top-right corner.
  2. Click the gear icon (settings).
  3. You should be in the “Preferences” section (click it on the top menu if you’re not).
  4. Click “Interface” on the top submenu and it should be the first option.



Pretty much the same. It’s less exciting to come to the community after these “upgrades”

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Are you a point farmer :joy::joy::joy::joy:

There is one positive, your requested feature for a dedicated section for Deals :slight_smile:

Dark mode looks great now with the exception of the notification counter.

@AnkerOfficial @AnkerTechnical

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Points are there for a reason so most of the people here in the community wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the points. Points are just for motivation.

:wink::face_with_monocle: :crazy_face::thinking::unamused:

So how do I change text/emoji size etc on a mobile?

Rip point farmers - 2019

Rip anker community - 2019 there’s barely anyone on :cold_sweat:

It’s always quite on the weekends

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Anker forum on weekends lol


Missing members on weekends :grin:


Ouch lol :rofl:

Seems you are testing the MOTION+ :joy:

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