New Life P3

You see Kaitlyn :
Never disturb the advertising of a company. :rofl:

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Weird they want only their version discussed

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Its the company!
Its the boss!

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I may have guessed correctly, it’s £80 but I think that’s list price so 25% off makes it £60 so exactly double the price currently of the P2, and so I would have guessed wrong.

The P2 advantage was £30 for a good product, not sure double the price is worthwhile, compared with a discounted LA2P.

Reviews required!

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I’m definitely surprised they went up so much in price because I always viewed the life p as a budget option for those who needed but going up to 80 makes it not very budget sure it’s cheap compared to others out here but having a sub 50 option was nice

The general trajectory of Soundcore and Anker has been higher unit prices, additional features for more money.

What they’ve not done is scale up the support, documents, testing, to match. The quantity of threads ultimately down to poor documentation.

How many “have you tried resetting?” replies we made the last year? Probably hundreds.

They added loads of new opportunities for bugs, and I bet you they not done enough beta testing so expect the early P3 bugs and firmware updates.

The P2 was simple and less places to fail.


What about a “Resetting club!” :joy:


So many clubs at this point losing track quickly :joy::joy::joy:

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That’s a niche club, the “don’t bother searching” club has over a million members!

The “trying to help” club is very exclusive.

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Trying to help is shrinking with active members shrinking




Another club? Lol

We went from a community to a handful of people who post about Anker :joy:


Yes indeed, the “helper’s club” is the smallest one. :grin: